Hi I am new

ashley21 Posts: 2
edited November 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I am real glad i found this site it is so awesome and free. I hope I stick to my plan. All I want to do is lose 20 - 30 lbs. I am 22 years old and have 2 small children and I had a little strugle around christmas and easter when those milk chocolate balls came out I was seriously eating a 2oogram pack a day, so here I am and I really hope this works!!!!!!


  • ashley21
    ashley21 Posts: 2
    Hello everyone. I am real glad i found this site it is so awesome and free. I hope I stick to my plan. All I want to do is lose 20 - 30 lbs. I am 22 years old and have 2 small children and I had a little strugle around christmas and easter when those milk chocolate balls came out I was seriously eating a 2oogram pack a day, so here I am and I really hope this works!!!!!!
  • kthowe
    kthowe Posts: 1
    Good luck! I am new here too and also 22. I am really hoping to lose as much as I can. I hope you stick with it.

  • shell83
    shell83 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, totally new to all this too, how ace is it being free eh !!!!!!

    Hope you stick to it aswell, there wil be temptations along the way but us girlies will stick together.

    Always here to talk


  • JuneEliz
    JuneEliz Posts: 1
    Hi everyone!
    I am new here also. I tried another board and it was very difficult but this one is great.
    I am sure I can do this one.
    I have 25-30# to lose and am taking it slow and easy. I love how easy it is to track the exercise.
    I walk 2 miles most every day even in the winter (snow in Vermont) and do the treadmill.
    Blessings to all.
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