When you were 17...

What are some things you wish you could have told your younger self?
I'm 17 now, and really curious! :D


  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Get control of your mouth, I now cuss like a sailor according to my husband and we now have kids and I wish I had reined in my foul language back then and I might have better control now.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Join the gym. Stop eating like food is going to run out. You're unhappy now... Just wait until you've been doing this for 10 more years...it's gonna be sooo hard.

    PS It'll be worth it.

    PPS Boys suck. But you love them anyway. Might as well open your heart now!
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Keep the PDA's to a minimum. Used to get so mad at my mom when she would get upset at me and my boyfriend about walking together with our arms around each other. Now I see kids do it and I think it looks awful and tell my kids not to do it. Another thing is kissing. small pecks are okay but not tongue action in public!
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    -Yes that will hurt
    -it sounds like a great idea now, but you know your dad/mom is gonna find out (and kick your butt)
    -Your parents know everything you think they dont know
    -Start saving money now
    -Learn how to eat right
    -The boy who you like becasue he is trouble, is trouble
    -Go to class....everyday you are not too cool for school
    -spend more time with your family, they may not be cool now, but one day you will realize they actually are

    and lastly....the one that got away, will come back 10 years later, you will meet in an elavator in a city far away, fall in love and live happily ever after (true story)

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane :)
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Choose a lucrative career path now and stick with it. You'll be glad you did later.
  • budkow
    budkow Posts: 39
    Enjoy it while you can. 17 was an awesome age that I totally let slip by. Nothing you do at 17 matters as long as you don't get pierced, tattooed, pregnant or injured. :-) Go have fun, live life and learn who you are. By the time you hit mid-20's you're either married, in college or otherwise unable to just be free and happy. Don't get me started on mid-30's.................... :smile:

    Oh, and be nice to your parents...They try even though they'll always be tragically uncool... :-) Also, buy as much Apple stock as you can (this is to me when I was 17 and Apple was $6/share). :smile:
  • Bellum24
    Bellum24 Posts: 106 Member
    Follow your dreams and never give into temptation. Life is so much shorter than we think!!!

    I agree with ilikejam33 :)
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Stop dieting, ... just maintain whatever you weight right now - at age 17.

    I was 135 when I graduated from high school - and thought I was so fat.

    Now I'm struggling with my weight at a hefty 200 pounds. :sad:

    I would die to be 135 again.
  • Jelleebean
    Jelleebean Posts: 212
    stay in school. school and i were not the best of friends, and it took me until i was 23 to finish and get my highschool diploma, when, i could have been done at 17.
    get control of the snacking and chocolate distractions.
    be kind to your parents, because you never know how long you'll have them around... and, they usually know what they're talking about.
    and so much more...

    hang in there kiddo... it's gonna be a bumpy ride, but, it won't be a boring one.
  • big_beautiful
    Have fun and never regret anything everything happens for a reason
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    1. DON'T DO DRUGS!
    2. Start taking care of yourself. Otherwise your weight problem is only going to get worse.
    3. Don't delay going to college. It becomes harder to get started as life is happening around you
    4. Last but not least, be yourself.:tongue:
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    You are NOT grown - slow down and enjoy being a kid.
    smoking is stupid. Quit it
    keep up your music because youll miss it someday
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Have fun and never regret anything everything happens for a reason

    Here here!

  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    -Yes that will hurt
    -it sounds like a great idea now, but you know your dad/mom is gonna find out (and kick your butt)
    -Your parents know everything you think they dont know
    -Start saving money now
    -Learn how to eat right
    -The boy who you like becasue he is trouble, is trouble
    -Go to class....everyday you are not too cool for school
    -spend more time with your family, they may not be cool now, but one day you will realize they actually are

    and lastly....the one that got away, will come back 10 years later, you will meet in an elavator in a city far away, fall in love and live happily ever after (true story)

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane :)

    this sounds like my life....except for the happily ever after part
    yes, boys that are trouble are TROUBLE. boys are always trouble. even at 30 they are still TROUBLE with a capital T

    Live your life for you, be happy for you...be selfish

    one day you will be friends with your mother...
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    -You have a lot of free time now! Get off Myspace and start eating right and exercising now!
    -Don't worry about that guy you liked all 4 years of high school and rejected you...he will be a loser once we graduate high school and he's not as unique as you think!
    -Don't be afraid to show off your intelligence in class, you're smarter than most of your graduating class anyway. =p
    -Stop cutting math class!! You'll regret it when you're stuck taking remedial math in college!
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    This may not be the best advice but its what I would have wanted someone to tell me:

    Don't rush growing up. Be irresponsible. Have fun. Live for the moment.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    For most 17 year olds now is as good as life is going to get, take advantage, have fun, be a kid for a little bit longer. The drag that is adulthood will come soon enough, don't run to it.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    For most 17 year olds now is as good as life is going to get, take advantage, have fun, be a kid for a little bit longer. The drag that is adulthood will come soon enough, don't run to it.

    What?? I totally disagree. I love my life now and I would never go back to being 17 again!n Not that being that age was bad, but there have been so many great experiences I've had just because I got older
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    Don't let yourself go.

    Don't let anyone discourage you. Use their hurtful words as motivation to prove them wrong.

    Don't let anyone change you.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    If you smoke, stop now. If you don't...don't start!
    Don't take relationships too seriously. The guy you're devastated over today....you likely won't remember after a few years.
    Have fun and enjoy being 17!!! You don't see it now, but life goes by far too fast. Enjoy where you are today.