hi! new at this and kind of feeling lost right about now

Hello, so I just discovered the message boards today.

I am only a junior in college but health has been a struggle since college started. I decided to join this site but not quite sure what I am doing. It looks a lot like facebook. I would love to have some friends on here. I struggle with self-image and binge eating and hope that changing my lifestyle will help in those areas too. I used to be very active in high school, but now I sit a lot. I would love to have more friends to connect with and go along this journey together. I don't really know what else to say.

I am planning to lose 35 pounds. Hopefully I can stick with the changes I am making.


  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    I'm new too but don't despair looks to me like you took an important first step just by being here. I'm going to give this a shot too and try to decipher through the exercise and food sections. Seems there's good info here. Do you have access to the gym on campus?
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome and good luck..feel free to add me:)
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Ive only been here for a little over a month and this is a great site, everyone is helpful and motivating. The boards are great as well, it nice to know we are not as alone in this as we think we are.

    Good Luck and congrats on the decision to get started :)
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    ADD ME, if you'd like!! I'm on here daily and I'm all about motivating...and getting motivated!!
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    Good luck!

    Discipline and dedication!
  • n3wlif3styl3
    yes I do! And I love going there, but I usually workout regularly for a week then give up. The end of my freshmen year I was working up to a half marathon and stopped at 5 miles. I have a lack of motivation, hopefully this site will help! Thanks for the encouraging words.
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome to the site! Idon't remember how long I've been on here. Not very long but I LOVE this site! So much support and motivation on here. No negative thoughts that I have come across. Feel free to add me as a friend. The more the merrier!
  • katy4193
    katy4193 Posts: 44
    I love this site, sort of a facebook meets weight watchers! :) So much support, the more friends the more support, and it feels good to support others! feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • gbell4
    gbell4 Posts: 12
    This site deffinately helps with motivation! Been on here for only 2 days and I'm amazed at how helpful everyone is. You won't feel new and lost for long. Oh and if you want some motivation, check out the success story posts, wow.
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome! This site is wonderful!!! I understand where you're coming from. I went through the same thing through college. You can do this! You can change your lifestyle and habits and find that you're motivated than you think. And there is so much support, motivation, and inspiration available here. Please feel free to add me, if you'd like!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome aboard. I have come to love this site even more than facebook. I still have a facebook account and do check it a little bit each day, but when I have time to spare it is spent on MFP mostly. It is an excellent site and I have found many friends and supporters on here. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.