Need boot camp!

Joined about a week ago and skulked around reading the message boards and feeling excited for all the Success Stories. But already I'm figuring out that I'm standing in my own way of success. I don't cook so I'm realizing that making a conscious effort to eat better is difficult. It seems to be more difficult when I'm running around . And not sticking to exercise....Well it all has me thinking these two are just plain old avoidance tactics. Or plain laziness. I need structure and am thinking of developing a plan that I can follow. But for now, I suppose I'm looking for people who can help motivate; or atleast make me feel accountable.


  • katy4193
    katy4193 Posts: 44
    Since I have started packing my food for the day in the morning, I have done so much better!! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    Not sure if you are in a rush for the weight loss, but over the years i think that when i did diet AND exercise at the same time, i was settingmyself up for failure b/c it was too much of a shock to my lifestyle. In 2010, i focused on exercise and the goal at the end of the year was to have exercise be part of my normal lifestyle so i didn't have to think much about it. and i chose exercise first b/c i know that food alone wouldn't help. this year, 2011, i added in my diet and really, for once, gave it 100% and it worked. I am still strugglign with good but the exercise thing i have down... i now get crabby when i miss my workout b/c of the guilt...

    maybe set smaller goals ... workout every other day...
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome aboard. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Wow! What great ideas!! Thanks!
  • Keelahopkin
    Keelahopkin Posts: 15 Member
    I joined a few months ago and played around with the idea of changing the way and amount of food I eat. I also bought a workout video a year ago in June, it stayed in the wrapper (I wasnt overweight then but I was looking to improve my health). It wasnt until Sunday that I honestly looked at myself and saw the pounds as something more than temporary if I didnt change. I have always put my health off until later. I quit smoking, went for a run, changed up the grocery store routine, and did that video all in one day! I know I'm new as well but I can honestly say that I love that I am taking control. Decide. Commit. Succeed! PS I have lost almost 4 lbs.
    I'm not hungry! I am using an isolate whey protein shake though. Do some research and find one thats affordable, has less than 120 cal/ scoop, and that has 20 or so grams of protein. I am a finiky eater but I can handle mine just fine. I'm really not using it as a meal replacement but rather a pre or post workout drink (snack). I also bought some protein snack bars (100 cal) and a few protein meal bars (200 cal) for when I'm running the roads and not able to eat appropriately. My family also uses food storage and I have eaten from the kids snack bucket (I keep it in the vehicle) which is loaded with green peas, green beans, corn, and various fruits like raspberries, bananas, and pineapple that is all freeze dried. I have always be a stickler on the kids nutrition yet I was horrible about my own:(
    On a daily basis I am eating more vegetables, protein at every meal/snack, and making sure that I eat something every few hours. I'm generally more careful during the morning and afternoon about calories (always afraid that I will run out haha) and then have a surplus of them later when I hit my binge eating tendencies. It has worked out well and I have stayed under 1200 calories a day. I also try to limit any meal/snack to 200 calories.
    If I can do it you can do it! I am looking forward to losing the pudge and finding muscles underneath in the coming weeks- I hope you get excited too:)
    Good luck