20in6 DAILY CHAT Week 3 [closed]



  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    10 hours too late... it's DAY 21! It's probably almost over for some of you :laugh: Make sure to weigh yourselves in the morning!

    Sorry I've been MIA lately, have been going out with the hubby a lot! :bigsmile:

    we don't mind even though we miss you, just enjoy your time :smile: just make sure you come back and remember us xx
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Well I had a very bad day yesterday, was still under goal but made some very bad food choices, hope it doesn't reflect on the scales tomorrow. Aofie, do what feels right for you lovely, if you try it and find its not working for you you can always try something else so i say go for it.

    Good luck for tomorrow ladies and like Aofie said, remember today can make a difference! xx

    We all have those days, and some of us those weeks :( .. but they key is at each next meal to make better choices. If the day is a wash.. there is always tomorrow. And at least you are conscious of it and can also workout. I think it is unrealistic to believe for the rest of our lives we will be eating "good" ... but the difference is in what we do after!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    DAY 22!!!! IT'S WEIGH IN TIME!


    Thanks everyone for your kind words!