Complete frustration!

Please help me here. I am to the point of completely wanting to quit. After months of no change, last week finally saw two pounds drop. I was so happy... Until I weighed myself today and they are back. I am putting in lots of exercise time, eating at my calorie level, eating most of my calories used back, gave up soda, drinking lots of water, etc. My weight loss has been very,very, very, very slow but at least it was happening. To go backwards just makes me want to quit. And I am not losing inches, either. Just measured because I thought that might make everything ok.

I know I eat treats but I measure everything and do not leave things out of my diary so I know I am eating the right numbers of calories.Can I not lose weight if I am not eating "clean"? Do I need to eat only fruits and veggies to lose? Other people have treats and still lose. What am I doing wrong? Started in March and have lost 12 pounds. Seems like I have sacrificed a lot for minimal reward. Losing a pound a week sounds like the stuff of fairy tales.

Please don't tell me I am in starvation mode. I've researched it thoroughly and I am not. Please don't tell me it is because my fat is turning into muscle. Trust me. The fat is still here. The inches are not coming off which would be true if there was muscle coming on.

My diary is open. I have nothing to lose at this point- except the same fat *kitten* I've always had. I would appreciate any help.


  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I can't actually help you as i am going through the exact same thing but just wanted to let you know i know how frustrating it is!!

  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Ok, my suggestion to you would be that you are insulin resistant. Which means that you might want to try decreasing your carbs a little bit to give you that kick-start you need. I'm not talking a low carb diet, but some people are resistant to things that others can eat without a problem. I'm one of those people.
    Try cutting out things like flour, pasta, potatoes and decrease your sugar slightly, and see what happens.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    i am going through the same thing , for the month july the scale has not i just changed it up where i am eating a lot less carbs(i was eating over 200g) even though i was keeping within the calorie range.....and in the evening which is when i really want a snack ill have some protein(turkey slices, chicken or cottage cheese) i am weighing in on monday...keeping my fingers crosssed...but at my age it just seems a lot slower...good luck:flowerforyou:
  • pardeepmalik
    I have a question; who can I ask
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I took a look at your diary, and I think you might need to lower your sugar intake. I'm no expert, but I AM a sweet tooth, and that's what I had to watch more closely to lose some weight...
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    Maybe menopause? I've been in menopause for 2 years & find it's harder to lose weight, along with lots of other issues...I'm 48; started MFP in March & have lost 34 pounds without exercise...friend me if you'd like motivation to keep going on this journey!!!:flowerforyou:
  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member
    Please help me here. I am to the point of completely wanting to quit. After months of no change, last week finally saw two pounds drop. I was so happy... Until I weighed myself today and they are back. I am putting in lots of exercise time, eating at my calorie level, eating most of my calories used back, gave up soda, drinking lots of water, etc. My weight loss has been very,very, very, very slow but at least it was happening. To go backwards just makes me want to quit. And I am not losing inches, either. Just measured because I thought that might make everything ok.

    I know I eat treats but I measure everything and do not leave things out of my diary so I know I am eating the right numbers of calories.Can I not lose weight if I am not eating "clean"? Do I need to eat only fruits and veggies to lose? Other people have treats and still lose. What am I doing wrong? Started in March and have lost 12 pounds. Seems like I have sacrificed a lot for minimal reward. Losing a pound a week sounds like the stuff of fairy tales.

    Please don't tell me I am in starvation mode. I've researched it thoroughly and I am not. Please don't tell me it is because my fat is turning into muscle. Trust me. The fat is still here. The inches are not coming off which would be true if there was muscle coming on.

    My diary is open. I have nothing to lose at this point- except the same fat *kitten* I've always had. I would appreciate any help.

    I have issues with very slow weight loss also, it is frustrating for sure. I'm hypothyroid so it takes alot of exercise and 1200 calorie a day for me to drop 1 pound. I have been aMFP member since January and has taken me this long to lose the weight that I did. I see others on here losing the same amount in a one month period, very frustrating so I feel for you!
  • tabithaanne
    Ok, my suggestion to you would be that you are insulin resistant. Which means that you might want to try decreasing your carbs a little bit to give you that kick-start you need. I'm not talking a low carb diet, but some people are resistant to things that others can eat without a problem. I'm one of those people.
    Try cutting out things like flour, pasta, potatoes and decrease your sugar slightly, and see what happens.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I looked at your diary and it looks like, unless you aren't logging it, you aren't eating your exercise calories. I would aim to at least eat 50% of them back. You are getting around 1200-1350 calories a day and that doesn't seem like enough. I know that sounds crazy, but I would dare say you aren't eating enough.

    Of course I don't know how much you weigh and how close to goal you are.

    Drink lots of water 10-12 cups a day. See if this helps.

    Good Luck.

    Oh and edited to add....while you may lose faster and more fat eating clean...i've lost weight eating what I like to eat as well. I have to live in my real world with my kids and husband, they aren't going to eat veg and fruit all the time.
  • tabithaanne
    I totally agree. I used to be a "calorie counter" and the weight never came off. Once I got rid of starches and sugars and exercised the weight came off. Not everyone has the same "makeup" and there are those who can eat whatever they want and still maintain their weight. You can't compare or you'll go crazy.
  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    Yeah I would pay attention to the sugars, gets me every time
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I looked through about a week in your diary and the two things that stood out were a pretty consistant amount of processed and fast foods (full of yuk and sodium!) and though you may be staying within your caloric limit while having treats nearly everyday -- you might want to consider treating yourself with sweets sparingly.

    Get your (healthy) fats from things like nuts and the like.

    Try making more healthy choices of food at home in advance; lean proteins, veggies, fruit. Try swapping out the Yoplait (full of sugar!) for Greek Yogurt - a much healthier option. You can get the plain and add berries, nuts, honey, etc.

    Replace some of those iced teas (lots o' sugar) with water. Many days you don't have enough water logged.

    Weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise. Make a commitment to eating cleaner. There's nothing wrong with the occasional 'bad' food - but don't let your diet consist of mostly bad foods.

    Good luck!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Please help me here. I am to the point of completely wanting to quit. After months of no change, last week finally saw two pounds drop. I was so happy... Until I weighed myself today and they are back. I am putting in lots of exercise time, eating at my calorie level, eating most of my calories used back, gave up soda, drinking lots of water, etc. My weight loss has been very,very, very, very slow but at least it was happening. To go backwards just makes me want to quit. And I am not losing inches, either. Just measured because I thought that might make everything ok.

    I know I eat treats but I measure everything and do not leave things out of my diary so I know I am eating the right numbers of calories.Can I not lose weight if I am not eating "clean"? Do I need to eat only fruits and veggies to lose? Other people have treats and still lose. What am I doing wrong? Started in March and have lost 12 pounds. Seems like I have sacrificed a lot for minimal reward. Losing a pound a week sounds like the stuff of fairy tales.

    Please don't tell me I am in starvation mode. I've researched it thoroughly and I am not. Please don't tell me it is because my fat is turning into muscle. Trust me. The fat is still here. The inches are not coming off which would be true if there was muscle coming on.

    My diary is open. I have nothing to lose at this point- except the same fat *kitten* I've always had. I would appreciate any help.

    Did you put all the weight on overnight, or over a 2 week period? Probably not.

    It's not going to happen overnight, you're not going to drop 10lbs in a week, etc. It's a process. There's a lot of things it could be, but quitting isn't going to satisfy anyone, not even yourself.

    It's all mental at this point.
  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    The only suggestions I have are eating quality foods and exercise. Just because you meet a calorie goal, doesn't mean the food is the best calorie to protein ratio.

    P90X developed a relatively good Fat Burning Nutritional Plan that leaves you fulfilled at the end of the day, and most often I can't even eat all the calories it suggests. Now the plan goes hand in hand with their exercise program. They give you enough calories to exercise with. That is about 2400 calories. Take out the 600 calories burnt and 1800 is just fine.

    Their plan is 7 servings of meat/protein (That's 700 calories), 4 servings of vegetables (4 cups), 3 servings of dairy (3 cups), 1 serving fruit, 1 serving carbs (rice, potatoes, bread etc.)

    It is possible you are eating too much carbs, or too much bad quality carbs. My suggestion is eat lots and lots of lean meat. Instead of buying ground beef, buy ground turkey, it's a great substitute, healthier, and cheaper.

    Also, this is gonna be the killer. You can have your snacks, just don't have them right before bed. Most anyone will tell you not to eat a thing 3 hours before bed. Your body will eat away at fat over night if it has nothing else to eat. If you feed it and then go to bed, it won't have enough time to digest it and turns it right into fat.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Just thought i would we send you some advice as daft as it might sound if your not eating enough , you are more prone to pick or give up . so advice below on eating your calories back and what goals to aim for according to your bmi..

    Also looked at your diary i'm not seeing much fruit & veg!! Or much water..

    Are you eating to enough?

    This is just a part of it! please read the link above

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle tone, and reducing fat. This means is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode)

    Also this might be helpful

    Good luck on your journey

    P.s feel free to add me as a friend
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I know I eat treats but I measure everything and do not leave things out of my diary so I know I am eating the right numbers of calories.Can I not lose weight if I am not eating "clean"? Do I need to eat only fruits and veggies to lose? Other people have treats and still lose. What am I doing wrong? Started in March and have lost 12 pounds. Seems like I have sacrificed a lot for minimal reward. Losing a pound a week sounds like the stuff of fairy tales.

    Please don't tell me I am in starvation mode. I've researched it thoroughly and I am not. Please don't tell me it is because my fat is turning into muscle. Trust me. The fat is still here. The inches are not coming off which would be true if there was muscle coming on.

    My diary is open. I have nothing to lose at this point- except the same fat *kitten* I've always had. I would appreciate any help.

    It depends on how much you have to lose, how much weight you have in excess at the start... As you progress through your journey, progress will generally be slower...

    Anyway, on to the more specific stuff:

    - Well, have you gained some inches? Are you still "soft" or can you feel you are building muscles beneath? If you're not losing fat, at least check if you are gaining muscles.
    I can see that the majority of your cals come from carbs, and I would up my protein intake a bit if I where you, while decreasing carbs (that is - if you don't feel you are building muscle). Muscle will up your metabolism.
    (2inch fat + 0 inch muscle = 2 inch, but 2 inch fat + 1 inch muscle = 3 inches so you could be gaining muscle but not losing fat...)
    Losing fat is different from building muscle. Also it might take a while for your body to readjust, especially as you get older - so you might need to give it a bit more time to get the machine started.

    - Look into interval training (it seems to burn more calories).
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I've noticed that just going back a week or so, your calories are perfect. Have you looked into zig zagging your calories? Eat more and then less. It might jump start your metabolism.
    Stop being so perfect.

    I also went though all my "other tracking" I took out fat because I never was going over it, so why track. I put sodium on it. Try to find your problem numbers and track those.

    I think when people say all those you are gaining muscle stuff, they are just really in the end talking about metabolism, if they diagnosis isn't true, but the cure is still the same, does it matter?
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    I took a look at your last week or so, your water intake is a bit shy of 8 glasses a day. I know it is hard but it really is important to get it into your daily habits. Try diet green tea/Lipton makes it and it is good but it also carries 25g of sodium per serving. But I like it much better than Snapples version so give those a try.

    Also, try to lower your carbs like others have suggested, as well as the sweets. I don't want to sound awful while you are going through a tough time but try to make them special rather then a part of your meals. You may want to stay away from the skinny cow stuff because they are pretty high in calories....I like to eat a sugar free chocolate pudding which is about half the calories and still gives you the feeling of being bad when you not. I also like it better than the fat free because the fat free has more sugars (which ultimately go directly to fat as well)

    Hope some of this helps
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I've noticed that just going back a week or so, your calories are perfect. Have you looked into zig zagging your calories? Eat more and then less. It might jump start your metabolism.
    Stop being so perfect.

    I also went though all my "other tracking" I took out fat because I never was going over it, so why track. I put sodium on it. Try to find your problem numbers and track those.

    I think when people say all those you are gaining muscle stuff, they are just really in the end talking about metabolism, if they diagnosis isn't true, but the cure is still the same, does it matter?

    It's highly unlikely she's gaining muscle, it's a longer process to gain muscle.

    The biggest thing I found is a lot of sweets.

    Personally, I would change breakfast to eggs/chicken and work on taking out the ice cream/sweets for snacks/dinner etc.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    First of all, you're eating a lot of processed foods. Second of all, you might not be eating enough, depending on how intense your exercise is.

    And most important, you can't have 300 calories worth of treats every day.. even if it is skinny cow or small portions, those are still empty calories, and you're getting most of your fat from unhealthy sources. Aim to eat more omega-3's and omega-6's like in olive oil, canola oil, raw nuts, and natural peanut butters.

    Eat more whole foods and your body will respond dramatically.