Depression and Weightloss

About four years ago I was diagnosed with Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder. At the moment, I am in a very clear low and am struggling a lot in trying to fight my way back out of it. I won't go into vivid details but exercise and eating right are taking a backroad for me - today, I tried to catch up the two days of the 30ds that I missed and burst into tears within a minute of it starting, before any of the warmup even begun. I just...don't have the motivation. I wish I could make myself do it but I feel like I'm just sort of...stuck. Does anybody have any tips for getting through a low whilst maintaining a good relationship with exercise and weightloss? Somedays I struggle to even get out of bed, so any tips would be appreciated.


  • Hattie2879
    Hattie2879 Posts: 131
    I don't know what "the 30ds" are that you're refering to. But just keep chugging along and hopefully in time, you'll come up out of this low point. :smile:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would try somethign more gentle, like going for a walk. Set yourself a goal of say 15 minutes walk... keep it brisk and if you find you're enjoying it you can stay out longer, if not you have done your time for today and tomorrow set yourslef another goal.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I've struggled with depression myself, and exercise has always helped. However, in a low period, I would just do some long walks -- not a video that you have to follow or concentrate on. Your brain is overloaded / exhausted right now, so it doesn't need more to think about.

    I've been on a low-dose anti-depressant for years, and it really helps. Hopefully you are on something that can help you. Extra Vitamin D is also good for depression. You can take up to 2,000 mg/day.

    Hang in there, and it's ok for weight loss to take a back seat for a while. Mental health is more important.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    I think a walk may be a good idea, thanks guys. And Tina, I'm on Lexapro and Rivotril currently which are helping but I've never heard that Extra Vitamin D was good for depression!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im in the same boat.
    Iv suffered alot from depression.
    And really i still suffer from it now.....
    I mean right now the only thing in life worth living for is my fiance.
    And when hes not here i just wanna sleep the time away, coz i dont see the point in being alive..
    Miserable all the time when hes not here or when hes asleep...

    And i have to say it makes me loose the motivation to do things like exercise.
    Or eat right..
    And it makes me just want to scoff my face with comfort food..

    So any advice you get i think im going to listen to.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    walk.. put on the ipod and just walk... after 10 or 15 min you might just see the world a little different :) best wishes babe. You deserve all the happiness your heart can stand!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    (((HUGGLES))) Sometimes when i'm attempting a video, im ready to panic (anxiety, heeee...). But when that happens, I either force myself to take it one step at a time, or do something repetative to calm myself. Walking, elliptical, jump rope, hula hoop, crunches, jumping jacks, burpees (LOVE THESE!!!), swimming... It helps with depression too. Because after the repetative excercise, you feel good AND calm afterward. :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    About four years ago I was diagnosed with Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder. At the moment, I am in a very clear low and am struggling a lot in trying to fight my way back out of it. I won't go into vivid details but exercise and eating right are taking a backroad for me - today, I tried to catch up the two days of the 30ds that I missed and burst into tears within a minute of it starting, before any of the warmup even begun. I just...don't have the motivation. I wish I could make myself do it but I feel like I'm just sort of...stuck. Does anybody have any tips for getting through a low whilst maintaining a good relationship with exercise and weightloss? Somedays I struggle to even get out of bed, so any tips would be appreciated.

    *hugs* I understand. I've dealt with depression since I was a toddler, and it's hard to get motivated. But if you can get into a routine, it will help you feel better, I promise. Everyone is different, but I can tell you what has worked for me.

    Don't try to "catch up" ever. On anything. You're not behind on anything. Every moment is a fresh start. Forget what happened yesterday, what you missed, what you haven't done yet this morning -- focus on RIGHT NOW. Right NOW, you can do what you had planned for THIS moment. Forget about the other stuff. You can't go back, and you don't need to. Right now is all that matters. And if you can't do it right now, then keep trying.

    Set the timer. Tell yourself you're going to get up and do some kind of movement for 15 minutes. Or if it's a really bad day, 5. You can do jumping jacks, dancing, or even just marching around the living room. You only have to do it until the timer goes off, and then you can quit if you want to. Or, you can choose to keep going. But either way, you've had a success by doing that much. And then later on, set the timer again. Use the timer for everything you need to do, whether it's exercise, housework, homework, whatever. It will pull you through to the end by breaking things into smaller steps.

    Make sure you're eating right. If you don't want to eat, do it anyway. And if you can't, get yourself a protein shake or some kind of meal replacement so that you can keep your body nourished. When you're not giving your body the nutrients it needs, you will feel more depressed, which makes it harder to take care of yourself, and that's how you continue to spiral downward. Break that cycle.

    Get outside if you can, or sit by an open window and get some sunlight on your face and forearms. And take a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D works wonders for depression. Trust me on this. Even if it's summer and you're getting lots of sun, take a supplement. It won't hurt you, and it will probably help. I had to take 4000 IU to get me through the winter, and through the summer I take 2000. It works.

    Do something that you ENJOY doing instead of just moping and watching reruns or reading the forums. If you like to read, grab a good book and read it. If you like music, turn on some upbeat tunes. If you like movies, rent one. If you like video games, play. Doing something that actively involves you in your entertainment will help pull you out of the funk.

    Don't wear your pj's all day. Take a shower, do something with your hair (even if it's just a nice ponytail), put on some lip gloss, and get dressed in something presentable. Even if you're staying home all day, wear something that you wouldn't mind other people seeing. That's been one of my biggest motivators to keep moving, is to look nice every day. It gives you that little bump to help get you moving. You are worth the little bit of time it takes to get ready in the morning.

    And do NOT let yourself get sucked into guilt. Over anything. Guilt is useless. It doesn't motivate, it only tears you down. If there's something you want to change, make a plan to change it. And if you can't change it, or don't have the energy, that's FINE, but you are not allowed to feel guilty. Guilt is no longer welcome in your house. Kick it out. It's a *kitten*. You don't need buttholes in your life. Get it out.

    If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Feel free to message me or send a friend request if you want, but if not, that's ok too. You can get through this, and yes, it will take work, but you are WORTH IT! You ARE. You DESERVE to love yourself. Everyone does. You are worthwhile, and you have something to offer the world. So claim that love for yourself. You deserve it.