Is a Calorie really a Calorie

In my own findings a calorie isnt just a calorie.. I mean how can you eat Fried chicken, mash potaoes and Cornbread with loads of butter and then work that off and be under the defeict.. or right at the calorie intake.
Would it be fair to say.. Some can eat that way and indeed work hard to get it off but then again what about all the bad stuff thats left behind despite the calorie ? Like fats and sugars and hidden ingredients that stays in our bodys to cause fat, cholesterol hikes and clogg arteries.. Im not one to Judge what you eat.. ( Hence ) we all love food ) were human to eat what we want..
Vereses what we should live on and really be green healthy bodys.. In this day its almost < impossible to eat whole without it being tanted with chemicals or toxins . I would like to pass on some info that may interest some of you and even enlighten you.
Read the boxes of the foods you are preparing and look up those ingredients and SEE whats your injesting..
look up what they are.. take example on the side of the box how long the list of what your about to eat is ? Can we even pronouunce some of those words.. Its like a Science lab.. and to be honest thats all it is now Science, How to make it taste good, eye appealing and to make us fat unhealthy and sick so we have to be on meds to make the drs..and the pharmacutical companys rich.. You heard the saying.. Dumb Americans.. Oh Im one too.. we all eat man made crap.
Read up on your food.. think about what your eating what your family is eating and all the healty issues you or your love one has sufferd . Disease isnt just something you get.. its link to something.
If at all Try to buy local from your farmers Market, or grow it yourself.. Eat it frozen and the Meat issue < well I cant get on that issue but eat that in moderation or buy organic and study up on organic, it isnt always organic just because the label says so, Read the Ingredients < thats where all your knowledge will come from.. Know what your eating..
I know you will say, Its cost too much to eat organic.. well this is true in a sense and Im all about 50/ 50..
Like I said.. Fresh from the Farmers Market - or frozen will be better than the box or can anyday and it depends on your own situation, This cant apply to everyone.. to each our own is all Im saying.. But this is my morning thoughts.
when we are teens and 2os we dont care what were eating, we hit 30s and 40s find out we have cancer or become diabetic or have clogged arteries and wonder why - Years of eating wrong.. feeling bad and catches up and with us. But its never too late to throw it all out and start over.. Different yes.. but not impossible..But a calorie cant be just a calorie.. can it ? hahaaaa


  • KnottyRae
    Thanks for bringing this up! Not this time, but in my first go-round on MFP I would read my friend food journals and it would be junk food all day then they would wonder why they weren't losing weight even after working out. Food labels scare me. It ultimately is a good thing, if I can't pronounce it then it doesn't need to be in me.
  • DancingYogini
    You are preaching to the choir (as far as my opinion on food goes!) :flowerforyou: