Shin Splints

I've been doing the 30 ds, and when I started level 2, my right shin started hurting. A lot. I still push through it, but I'm not sure if this is more damaging or not. I used to get them all the time when jogging on the treadmill, and I was just fine through level 1. I figure it's because of the skaters, so I've been going easier on them. Is there anything I can do to avoid this, or improve the strength?


  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Get some GOOD SHOES! I wear the Brooks Ghost 4's when I run and its like running on clouds! I went to a sports store where they watched how I walked and they put me in the right shoes. Brooks has their sh$$$t together! Marathon runners wear Brooks and New Balance. Brooks are cheaper than New Balance but more expensive does not = better! I tried both on.

    Also, a good shin splint exercise... Raise your toes off the ground and spell out the alaphabet. Do this througout the day. You can do it standing or sitting.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I would suggest takeing a day off when you feel your shin splints, obviously not a whole week. Shin splints happen when you put too much stress on your lower extremities. So when you do work out and start to feel them afterward ice it, prop it up, and take some IBuprofen. Having good shoes also does help, but the majority of the time its because too much stress is being put on the lower extremities athletes get them all the time, and women get them more often then men.
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    Get some GOOD SHOES! I wear the Brooks Ghost 4's when I run and its like running on clouds! I went to a sports store where they watched how I walked and they put me in the right shoes. Brooks has their sh$$$t together! Marathon runners wear Brooks and New Balance. Brooks are cheaper than New Balance but more expensive does not = better! I tried both on.

    Also, a good shin splint exercise... Raise your toes off the ground and spell out the alaphabet. Do this througout the day. You can do it standing or sitting.

    My husband swears by New Balance. He plays tennis and this is the best shoe he has found, so he bought me a pair for Mother's Day. So I'm assuming they're good? I can look into Brooks. I hadn't heard of them before.
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    I would suggest takeing a day off when you feel your shin splints, obviously not a whole week. Shin splints happen when you put too much stress on your lower extremities. So when you do work out and start to feel them afterward ice it, prop it up, and take some IBuprofen. Having good shoes also does help, but the majority of the time its because too much stress is being put on the lower extremities athletes get them all the time, and women get them more often then men.

    Yuck. :( I will do the ice. I hadn't thought of that before, and definitely ibuprofen. Man, I'm used to taking meds for headaches, but didn't even think about it for this. :D Thanks!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Don't push thru this. It will make it worse and you could end up with a stress fracture or other permanent damage.

    Lets start by looking at the reasons why you get shin splints. For runners, shin splints are usually tied to one of three things. These include Form/Biomechanical flaws, Overusage, and poor footwear.

    Form/Biomechanical flaws include heavy heal striking, and heavy pronation (where the foot rolls in excessively during a runners stride).

    Overusage includes doing too much, too quickly and not allowing reasonable build up or recovery between exercise sessions.

    And lastly poor or inappropriate footwear. I usually tell beginning runners to go to a running store and have them fit you. They will watch you walk and run, check your gate, look at wear patterns on your existing shoes and then fit you in an appropriate pair of shoes based on these. Given how much we rely on our feet, do you want some 17 year old high school student at the local Wally World telling you what to wear? No... go to a respectable Running shop/ Athletes shop.

    Even though you aren't running, shoes are still often the culprit. And we really need to look at them. What kind of shoes are you wearing to do this? Are they the correct type (running shoes are meant for running, not aerobics)? Running shoes are designed to support the foot in forward motion only. Cross trainers are designed for lateral movement as well.

    How new are your shoes or are they worn out (for running shoes anything over 300 miles is suspect, not sure how cross trainers etc rate... )

    For Treatment ->Rest-Ice-Compression-Elevation, take advil for the pain, and cut back on the activity that caused it.

    You might also try massaging a frozen dixie cup of water over the affected area, three to four times a day for 15 minutes. Deeper tissue massage helps. Try digging your thumbs in there and massage out the knots. It will hurt to start but will help the healing as you force blood flow into the affected area.

    If this doesn't give you relief, seek the help of a Sports Physiotherapist or Doctor.

    Good luck!
  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    Lifting up your toes with a force pulling them down will build up the tibialis anterior and medialis, beginner exercise is writing the alphabet in the air with your big toe . Massaging the sore area with an ice cube can relieve pain temporarily. Sometimes tight feet muscles or flat feet, and week core muscles can contribute to this as well. Additionally, if your shoes are real worn shin splints can occur more frequently/easily.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Get some GOOD SHOES! I wear the Brooks Ghost 4's when I run and its like running on clouds! I went to a sports store where they watched how I walked and they put me in the right shoes. Brooks has their sh$$$t together! Marathon runners wear Brooks and New Balance. Brooks are cheaper than New Balance but more expensive does not = better! I tried both on.

    Also, a good shin splint exercise... Raise your toes off the ground and spell out the alaphabet. Do this througout the day. You can do it standing or sitting.

    My husband swears by New Balance. He plays tennis and this is the best shoe he has found, so he bought me a pair for Mother's Day. So I'm assuming they're good? I can look into Brooks. I hadn't heard of them before.

    Much like different tools for different jobs... shoes are the same. You wouldn't use a hammer to cut a board would you? You should wear the correct footwear for the activity.
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    Lifting up your toes with a force pulling them down will build up the tibialis anterior and medialis, beginner exercise is writing the alphabet in the air with your big toe . Massaging the sore area with an ice cube can relieve pain temporarily. Sometimes tight feet muscles or flat feet, and week core muscles can contribute to this as well. Additionally, if your shoes are real worn shin splints can occur more frequently/easily.

    Thank you for this!

    For all q's about the shoes, they're a brand new pair of new balance cross trainers. I can get the number off the back next time they're out here. I've only worn them for maybe 3 weeks, and only while exercising, cause I'm a flip flop girl.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I just searched shin pain and found this thread - I just started 30DS and completed day 2 and am having bad shin pains - maybe because I've been doing the exercises bare-footed in my living room, so not in proper support. Never thought I would need proper support to do indoor exercises. Now I know!

    I also run and thought maybe its due to my training runs or that its time for new shoes - but reading your thread is making me believe my pain is connected to 30DS. Going to be sure and use my running shoes when I work out.

    Also, you cant just go and buy any good brand name shoe or recommended shoe - I tried that when I started running last year it didn't work. It wasn't until I was properly fitted based on my gait.