Red Number Anxiety

I haven't weighed myself in almost a month. I have been religiously keeping track of my caloric intake on fitness pal, but I haven't been eating the way I was and I haven't felt in control of this whole process in awhile. I have even slipped back into some old binging patterns that are making me truly unhappy: my face has started breaking out, I can't sleep, my cravings for bad food have been increasing...

I had mini shredded wheats with 2% milk, Graeter's ice cream, and dark chocolate raisins for breakfast... seriously???
Anyway, I know that when I finally come to grips with my weight gain and put it into mfp, it's gonna be a tough morning.
It's going to happen this Monday because I have a appt. with my doctor to get on some medication.

Anyone have any advice for how to overcome the "red number" anxiety??


  • Rusheda
    Rusheda Posts: 2
    Don't hate yourself for temporary set backs. Just start now. Forget about what you did yesterday or this morning. You can do it. The time is going to pass whether you focus back on your health or not. So, maybe set a small goal for the next week (like eating a good breakfast, or staying within your alotted calories), and once you've reached that success, then add another. You can do it!
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    take a step back, and remember this is a journey. you will have mess-ups.

    I LOVE this and got it from's blog...

    Being discouraged means there is an expectation that there is an exact way or time period in which things are supposed to happen. This mindset is a trap because it sets up a false premise. A premise that says things happen in linear predictable and timely ways. Anyone who has ever become a master at something knows this is not how mastery occurs. Mastery happens through trial and error, back-steps and mess-ups. It happens in fits and starts and plateaus followed by accelerated momentum. The back-steps and plateaus are required and necessary to “get it”. Without them there is no understanding or knowing and no true learning or grasp of the process.

    If we would instead stay engaged in the process and become curious over the positive and negative experiences, we would transcend the expectations and get lost in the journey. When the process becomes the goal, that is when you have made this a lifestyle.

    Measuring your results should be seen as an opportunity not something to dread. And when things move in the wrong direction, it is an even greater opportunity to learn and get better. You need to work to reinforce the process and stop constantly focusing on the end result. Disappointment is the surest sign of being focused on a goal rather than the process. Stay focused on the process and make its mastery your goal. That is how real change happens. The fat loss lifestyle is a journey NOT a destination. Honor your process,
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    3 things:

    1) Adjust the input so that a red number never shows up.
    2) Adjust the display so that if a red number shows up, you can play with percentages until you see green again.
    3) Become color blind and do not recognize the color red. It's been psychologically evaluated as "anger."
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    Hey I'm from Columbus too! :) Anyway, I know it's easier said than done, but when I have crazy binge days or ice cream for breakfast, I just do my best to laugh it off. It's going to happen- all you can do is log it in and learn from it. No one can be perfect everyday and when I have ridiculous over-the-top days like that, I just go through and look at my food diary the next day and use all of that insanity as motivation to do better. It takes a while to make anything a habit and even longer to make it a full blown lifestyle change. I feel like small steps and not beating yourself up too much over little diet indulgences will just keep you sane and happy throughout the whole process. Best of luck!