If you dind't start jogging/running yet



  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    I'm not a runner at all. Zumba was my exercise of choice for the last 3.5 years. I've always wanted to learn to run and am in week 2 of C25K and LOVING it so far! Just gotta make sure I'm nourishing my body prior - felt a little sluggish yesterday!

    My legs are the biggest part of my body and I've burned anywhere from 270 to 325 over the past few weeks with this (I use the Polar FT4 so I know my number are accurate)! MFP is a huge motivator for me and I'm thankful I belong to a group of C25K'ers here - I definately benefit from the support of others!

    So thank you for your post!
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    I totally feel the same way. I was going to start my C25K yesterday outside but all of a sudden I felt like I was going to embarass myself and feel humiliated, so I did 1.5 hours of walking instead. I'm also scared I won't be able to do it because I have asthma that is not always under control. I feel like I'm too heavy to run, but I have decided to buy myself my dream shoes (the Vibrams) research the new way of running and try to go with it. Thank you to the person that posted this..I needed the encouragement:)
  • jernigan51
    Great post! I just started jogging and feel exactly the same way! Hard at first and felt silly, but less than 3 weeks later have already noticed a huge change in my strength and ability to go further, longer! Proud of me, proud of you, and proud of everyone else working so hard!
  • sweetsapphire85
    I've been wanting to run for years, but never thought I was in good enough shape to do it and would get winded way to easily. I just started watching Extreme Makeover weight loss edition last week and thought If he can get a 300lb woman to do it I should be able to at 150. (exercise induced asthma has always stopped me since I was 13 so I was afraid of having an attack)

    I started outside jogging for a bit then alternating a bit with walking, and yesterday I just gave the treadmill at the gym a go. (I've never been able to figure out how to run on them as I could never find a speed that works or would be terrified of falling off the back). I'm only 5'1" so the normal speeds everyone goes is different as my stride is so much less, so I figured if I walk at 3.5-4.0 maybe try 4.5.

    I was able to jog for 33 minutes almost non stop (only 8 minutes were spent walking) and was able to breath the whole time! I was so happy with myself that I finally did it!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Those worried about asthma and weight, I can assure you there's a way you can run. I did a marathon at 14 stone (196lbs) with exercise induced asthma. You just have to find the right pace for you. Obviously carry your inhaler unless you're absolutely sure you can get round your planned run without it.

    I hardly ever use my asthma inhaler now, only when I've been doing a particularly tough set of hill repeats, sprints or a tempo session (yes, you'll be bandying these kinds of words round like a pro within no time!).

    Just bear in mind that when you start running feels harder than any other exercise you've done before. Just go for 30 seconds or a minute at a time using a programme like C25K. Still too hard? RUN SLOWER! There is a pace you can do it, I promise!

    And there is no shame in taking walk breaks even when you're experienced. I find I cover long distances faster doing run 2/walk 1 minute than trying to plod round slowly and getting slower... and slower...!

    And I agree, do go to a proper running shop to get your first pair of shoes fitted. You'll suddenly feel like you're running on air!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I TOTALLY agree!! I ran track/cross country in high school, but hadn't run in 20 years, until last year when I began my weight loss/lifestyle journey. I was seriously out of shape. I started the C25K program and could barely run the 60 second intervals, but I keep going. I ran my first 5K last May 2010, first 10K last October 2010, and kept on going a little longer a little farther...ran my first half marathon in January 2011, and have my 4th half coming up on 8/21. My New Years reasolution was to do a running event every month of 2011, and through August I have done 2-5Ks, 2-10Ks, and 4-halves. I NEVER in my life thought I would run half marathons, particularly starting at age 43, so if I can do it, anyone can. I also lost considerable weight during the process.