One slip up = to heck with the rest of the day!!!



  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    So very true. I even find it can work in reverse, sort of anticipatory overeating as in: "Well I know I will be going out tonight to a restaurant with the family and there is no way to keep track of calories there and probably have desert and extra this and that so the day will be shot anyway so might as well eat that cheesecake for breakfast now":) Ah yes, the excuses we feed ourselves.
  • calebespnsmommie
    calebespnsmommie Posts: 111 Member
    Good for you for throwing it away and not dumping the rest of the day down he drain! Cheesecake is so hard NOT to eat, its way to delecious!! Everyone has thier days, if people say they eat perfect everyday then I think they are honestly a little crazy :) You have to give your body what it wants from time to time or else you will flub your life style change! Hope you have a great day, again great job! )
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Yup! Guilty here too, especially when I first started.
    Now, I know that THAT is the oldest trick in the book.

    Last night I had a yummy dinner and some 3 leches cake for my anniversary. I purposely ate light but good in the morning and afternoon. I also worked out before going out. In other words, I knew I was going to eat yummy food so instead of saying F this I'm gonna have a cheat day, I just worked harder and gave me some cushion by it.

    Great job and yes, keep going even after 3 bites of yummy cheesecake!
  • So I'm not alone!! Congrats on staying strong and positive!!!
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    We all have those days, it's normal.

    Monday I bought doughnuts for the crew at work, and I didn't eat any of them. I sure wanted to, but I grabbed a banana instead. It felt good to be able to pass on the doughnuts. :happy:
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Oh yes, I have been trying to get over my "all or nothing" attitude about "bad" foods for years. You are NOT alone!

    Great job moving on with your day.
  • caeliumspecto
    caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
    I totally know what you mean. I try to "slip up" near the end of the day so I don't do this as often!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    You all are keeping me strong!! :D
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    no - if I slip up, I get back on track asap. the only days I 'throw away' are my birthday & christmas when I eat & drink whatever I want for the entire day & do NO exercise (other than partying)
  • I am far from perfect but I really don't think a slip up+to heck for the rest of the day. I can understand though. Life happens and if I do I might burn some calories. You are right though it can not be a habit b/c it can easily become one.
  • Good job, girl! That's one of the hardest things to do in LIFE. Well, for me. It's one of the reasons I've gotten so big in the first place.
    I slip up, give up, and EAT A LOT. Sometimes that mentality would stay with me for several days. I'm really trying to change that!
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    Good job, girl! That's one of the hardest things to do in LIFE. Well, for me. It's one of the reasons I've gotten so big in the first place.
    I slip up, give up, and EAT A LOT. Sometimes that mentality would stay with me for several days. I'm really trying to change that!

    I've definitely had it last for days too....its something that is hard to conquer but I'm determined to do it today....FINGERS CROSSED! :D
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    its amazing how your mind can flip flop back and forth throughout a WILL be different for me.....
    I feel like I NEED to make this day 'work' in order to show myself my own strength:)
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    yep definetly done that . . .time and time and TIME again lol! haven't done it since I been on here though . .but then I only joined 20 days ago!

    well done for chucking out the cheesecake! :)
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    I flop all the time but we are allowed. I always go back to a thread somebody put on a while ago. If you bought a box of eggs and dropped one, would you smash the rest because of that. Nope me either. If you slip just just jump back up and start again.:smile::happy:
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Good Morning friends.....

    I'm sure other people have had the days when they have 'slipped up' and ate something AWFULLY HIGH IN CALORIES..which in turn, makes you say 'TO HECK WITH THE REST OF THIS DAY'....following by trips to the fridge, pantry, etc...cookies, cakes, anything you can get your hands on???

    Oh please tell me i'm not the only one that has done this!! :D

    Well this habit will END for me today.....see I started the day with 3 bites of cheesecake (3 good sized bites people)...and my first instinct was to throw away the rest of the day and see what else I could get my hands on....

    Instead, I will stay positive, stick with my eating plan for today...and power through this day WITHOUT giving in to my slip up mentality!!!!

    I'm drinking plenty of water....and am going to stay STRONG!!!
    Happy Friday friends!!

    This is the behaviour I have finally overcome since joining up here.

    Prior to MFP every other day was as you describe above.
  • ShelbyLB
    ShelbyLB Posts: 431
    UPDATE: I just enjoyed a small salad for lunch and lots of water...STILL NOT ALLOWING the bad start get the best of this beautiful Friday!! :D