I want to dedicate myself

I dont know about any of you, but I am not one to "stick with" a support group. I really am going to try to get in here every day, log what I eat, my exercize and progress or slip ups. I want to do this, this site is kind of like a free weight watchers or something. A community of supporters and encouragement! Super cool and appreciated.
I want to give back to this community by logging progress and encouraging others as well as being encouraged. Losing weight is one of the most challenging things to do for me because I pressure myself. I put so much on myself that I try to think of ways to lose a pound a day-ridiculous goals. Then when I see I am not able to follow through with the extensive exercize to lose a pound a day I feel defeated and give up completely.
I have spent my whole life fit, but I always seen myself a little too big. At 5'5" 104lbs and totally toned, I thought I was fat. I just grew up kind of weight obcessed so this gain of 40lbs has affected me so much. In some ways I guess it is good because I recognize that I have a distorted view of my body. I look at pictures from two years ago and think how adorable and tiny I was, that has allowed me to see the disorder I have carried all my life. Now I know there is a goal for me and I think when I reach it I will respect the work I have done and be proud and satisfied.
Sorry this is so long, I just needed to write this for me. Post it, for me. Hopefully putting the truth into a community I am GOING TO BE STICKING WITH will help me in my health journey!!!