exercise calories

Am I the only one that doesn't enter exercise?? I don't want to eat my exercise calories and it just generally confuses me... is there a way to turn it off so it does auto add into my remaining for the day?


  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I don't ever want to eat all of them back, but I do enter them because I like to look back and see how many calories I lost and how it effected my weight for the week.
  • dmjackson25
    I find it odd that it adds in your exercise calories, too! Like, if I burn 600 cals exercising, why does it take my total allowed calories from 1200 to 1800??!! If i were to eat 1800, that would completely negate the exercise I just did!!! It's annoying. I just ignore the added in because I like "tracking" my exercise-- it makes me feel good to say "yes! I did it!" lol!!!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I don't eat them back either.....it is OK to not eat them back!! Just keep an eye on the calories of what you have eaten and make sure that adds up to however the amount is you are eating!
  • suncat
    suncat Posts: 16 Member
    I"m curious about that, too. I don't exercise to 'earn more calories' or even to 'burn' off calories - I exercise because it's fun, healthy and feels good. I like exercising for exercising's sake and don't want it tied to anything else. If there's no way to turn it off, I guess I"ll just have to not log it.
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    It adds the calories back because MFP already has a built in calorie deficit. If you use the search function, you will find a wealth of very useful information on this topic.
  • sarahlong09
    you can write your exersize down in the notes section and then enter them at the end of the day and it will show you your difference but still allow you to keep track of your planned calories during the day.
  • kochany
    kochany Posts: 32
    Auto add? thats a first. I always add manually because every day is different.

    As to eating your exercise calories you need to make sure you eat enough. All depends on your goal and calorie deficit.


    If you need 1700 cal a day to function(bmr+daily activity) than you cut 500 to lose a 1lb a week. That leaves you with 1200cal a day and if you count your exercise cal for the day(lets say 300) that lives you with 900 cal for the day. Thats not enough to be healty.

    Undereating is as bad as overeating.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Auto add? thats a first. I always add manually because every day is different.

    As to eating your exercise calories you need to make sure you eat enough. All depends on your goal and calorie deficit.


    If you need 1700 cal a day to function(bmr+daily activity) than you cut 500 to lose a 1lb a week. That leaves you with 1200cal a day and if you count your exercise cal for the day(lets say 300) that lives you with 900 cal for the day. Thats not enough to be healty.

    Undereating is as bad as overeating.

  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    I enter my exercise minutes to keep track of what I do, but I mark the calories as 1 so that it doesn't increase my remaining calories.
  • crazynay96
    awesome tip! what a simple fix dewgirl321