Not FEELING the results (warning TMI sorry)



  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I feel this way too. I have not lost near as much as you, and people tell me they can see a difference, but I don't see it myself. My clothes are looser, but I have not had to put anything away, nor am I really in the next size down either.

    One of the things that helps me is exercise. Weight goals are not very predictable. You can work so hard and eat so well all week and not see the scale move at all. With exercise though, it seems more predictable to me. If I ran for 30 minutes last week, then I will be able to run for 35 this week. I did the C25k and it was really hard! But I graduated and can run now. One of things I did when I was having a really hard time during it and wanted to stop running was remind myself how amazing my body was. That all the bones and muscles and tendons in my feet, legs, and butt could work together like that and keep propelling me forward. That my heart and lungs could work harder without actually exploding. That my skin would know to sweat to cool me off. Learning to really KNOW my body, what it is capable of, and how it works helps me be in better touch with it and to appreciate it as it is now, the difference from how it was a year ago and see what might be in another year. I don't see the difference in the mirror, but I do see the difference in how my body is able to handle exercise, and that helps me believe there are real changes, healthy and amazing changes taking place.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I need my husband to be the one person I can completely be myself around. And that's what I have. But I can relate to hating your body. I'm nowhere near what I want to be, even though I've lost 35 pounds. I feel better about my appearance, but I'm not there yet. I just don't mind if hubby sees it. I want him to see everything about me, physically and mentally. I want him to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then, if he still loves me, I know he really loves me.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    It sounds a little goofy, but have you tried positive affirmations?
    When I feel really low about how I look, I go to the mirror, play with different angles and say to myself out loud that I am beautiful and sexy. It really works. Even in uncomfortable situations, just repeating aloud a couple of times 'you are confident and funny, the life of the party' makes me believe it.
    It feels very strange to talk to yourself in the mirror, but it really, really works!