Advice for Cat Owners when Exercising

Having four indoor, rescue kitties, ranging in age from 3-10 years, there are a few points I would like to bring up:

1. Make sure they are all asleep.
2. Keep all toys from exercise area. There is a big chance of stepping on a squeaky mouse and waking all of them up, which would not be a good situation.
3. Make sure your exercise outfit does not have any dangling ties, strings, etc. Or, that your shoes/feet look like a toy.
4. Try not to make any loud noises, such as grunting or groaning, as this could wake up the sleeping beauties.
5. If possible, keep treats in your pocket. If they do come into the room and you are not finished, you can redirect them by throwing the treats into another room.
6. The biggest advice is to love them, care for them, and even though they don't show it, they love you, too!


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    or...lock them in a bedroom or a crate
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    My cats usually scatter if I'm jumping around the living room. My dog however thinks it's play time and starts running around like a psycho-puppy.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I swear my cats only sleep during the day while I'm at work. They do come into the room that I workout in, but stay out of my way. The only time they get close is when I'm on the yoga mat on the floor and that's one headbutting me to move so he can sit on the mat. :P
  • WonderNoodle
    my carlos-the-cat likes to help me weigh in.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    LOL! My cats like to sit right in my path while I'm doing Turbo Jam and weave through my legs when I'm doing stretches. Other times, they will sit on my bed or their tower and watch me like I'm a very entertaining TV show.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    my cats love to hop on the end of the crosstrainer while I`m on it and look nice and lazy while I`m working my butt off lol but I do agree about the toys I`ve stepped on a few cat balls (also kid toys but we won`t go there my kids should know to pick them up by now) and they are quite painful.

    I also have 3 cats two that are very Large in size and one tiny one
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Mine just look at me as if to say, "WHAT are you doing? Isn't it easier to just watch TV on the couch?"
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Mine just look at me as if to say, "WHAT are you doing? Isn't it easier to just watch TV on the couch?"

    LOL!! I was thinking the exact same thing. I'm pretty sure my cats think I'm nuts.
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    Mine stays locked out of the room with the kids. However my sister uses one of her four cats as a jumping line while doing P90x cat had the misfortune of taking over her mat and got jumped over!!! And apparently loves it!
  • JS295
    JS295 Posts: 27 Member
    Too funny! My cats think they need to be right under my feet when I'm trying to do an aerobics DVD.
  • texastae1010
    Ok mine do some of the above one believes that my hair/pony tail is a play thing that must be attacked....when doing any sort of cardio (only for me if my husband is doing anything nothing they scatter or just leave him alone) I have the weaving in and out of my legs or the one cat who thinks she is dog brings me her mouse to play fetch with and yes she goes and gets and brings it back (maybe this is normal I am semi new to cats always had dogs until about 1.5 years ago lol)....also they believe that if the yoga mat is out I have put it there for them to lay on I even got a cheapy for them and nope they still want mine....and when I finish and I am all sweaty trying to drink some water and cool down then they want to pounce me but this girl + sweat + furry cat = me looking like I need to shave like no ones business and it isn't even my hair saying all of that like above sad we most love them because half the time they just make me bust out laughing
  • cjcarson87
    or...lock them in a bedroom or a crate

    hahahaha omg. i have tears im laughing so hard. but seriously...I love kitties thats mean!

    edit: and way to time consuming to catch them and shove them in the crate
  • TheShelterCat
    My cats usually scatter if I'm jumping around the living room. My dog however thinks it's play time and starts running around like a psycho-puppy.

    I have the same problem lol! My dog starts running around thinking it's play time and if I'm doing mat work like crunches or push ups, my one cat always sneaks up and tries to sit on my back/stomach.:laugh:
  • marquesajen
    My cat never sleeps! Well, he does, but when we work out he is THERE. He bit my husband on the elbow and then on top of his head. If I'm doing dance stuff he stretches waaaay out along where I'm doing it. I highly recommend locking them in a room with toys, food and water.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    My cats usually scatter if I'm jumping around the living room. My dog however thinks it's play time and starts running around like a psycho-puppy.

    My dog does the same! He drags all his toys out of his toy box and tosses them at me!!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I am laughing reading all of the adventures with your pets!! All of our cats are rather large - not fat, just large - and there's no way to exercise if they want to play. I get the weaving back and forth between the ankles, too!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I am laughing reading all of the adventures with your pets!! All of our cats are rather large - not fat, just large - and there's no way to exercise if they want to play. I get the weaving back and forth between the ankles, too!

    Try putting a stability ball in the same room. My cat won't go near it - she just hates it!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I am laughing reading all of the adventures with your pets!! All of our cats are rather large - not fat, just large - and there's no way to exercise if they want to play. I get the weaving back and forth between the ankles, too!

    Try putting a stability ball in the same room. My cat won't go near it - she just hates it!

    A spray bottle with water mixed with a tiny bit of vinegar works, too.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Most of my workouts involve a mat- and of course it is a law of nature that if there is a mat, the cat must sit on it! Especially if he know's it's mine, and i'm allergic to him and don't want fur on it.

    I have to say that at 7kg he could use a some Jillian himself....
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    We have a 10 week old kitten... he's becoming more playful
    so we keep him in a cat kennel when I work out.