
Hi. I was doing really well and enjoying it until I fell ill a few weeks ago. I had no appetite for anything and found myself eating sugary foods to keep me going. I also wasn't able to exercise and I normally exercise a lot! I am fully recovered now but I still feel very tired and find exercise difficult. It is also the school holidays so it is difficult to fit in any serious exercise. It has also been too hot and humid. Right, that's all the excuses out of the way. I really need some help getting back into the program. I have been keeping a diary every day but I just can't seem to get motivated to cook or prepare healthy foods like I used to.

I really need some help and support to get back on track. Every little failure is making me lose confidence in myself. I feel that I need a kick up the backside or some encouragement. Please help!


  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm not the best example...but I've fallen off track only to have to get back on many many times. The best thing that I Can tell you is to remember how you felt when you were on track and making good compare that to how you feel now. Which feeling do you want to live with everyday? That choice is up to you and you alone. But you've done it before and you can do it again. Get back in the saddle! Good luck!
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I sent you a friend request, but I would like to post some ideas here for you too!
    Take a weekend day, I usually use Sunday afternoon, and precook chicken breasts, turkey bacon, turkey meatballs, etc. Cut up some veggies like bell peppers, celery, cucumbers and prepare bowls of salad greans in plastic bags. Now you're all set for the week for lunch and supper! Next, make yourself some breakfast quiches(you can google the recipe, very easy) and store those in the fridge for a quick breakfast or a snack.

    This is what I did for an entire year while going to school full time and working full time. It allowed me to have some extra time to fit in the exercise I needed because the food prep was all out of the way. :)

    Wake up 30 minutes earlier in the morning(I know, UGH! right?) and get your exercise in. You only need 30 minutes! You can do it!

    We're all here with you and for you :)
  • ocraelyn
    ocraelyn Posts: 1 Member
    Ok so hang in there and just do it! I feel like giving excuses all the time. BUT I just go no matter how much I dont wanna go. I put thoes gym shoes on and go. You can do this! Keep up the awesome work and let me tell you again YOU CAN DO IT!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    It's definitely hard getting back on track after illness or injury. Take things slow one day at a time, one meal at a time. Try focusing on the good things you're doing. Maybe commit to exercising 5, 10, or 15 minutes at a time. You'll be back into the swing of things before you know it.
  • mponeil1982
    Hi Carolyn!

    First I hope you continue to feel better! Being ill and staying motivated is a HORRIBLE situation to be in! Listen to your body firstly. If it's saying 'continue resting', then by all means - continue resting.

    When I was at Zumba Convention this year, a Keynote speaker talked about 'adapting and adjusting'. Basically saying 'we make up excuses on why we don't want to do something instead of looking for a way to make it happen. We need to 'adapt' and 'adjust'.

    You did do something here. You acknowledged that you were 'making excuses'. So I have a challenge for you. :-) What could you see as 'solutions' for the excuses. Example (and I'm keeping this in the simplist of forms since I don't know your physical conditions or anything): If it's hot and humid outside, how about doing stairs or something inside? It may be BORING as all get out, but at least you'd be moving. 15 to 30 minutes of walking up and down stairs (even if they are the same ones over and over) is better than staring outside at the heat and humidity. So when you find your mental conversations saying "Oh man, I can NOT be outside today to do this!" Ask yourself "So what can I do instead?" :-)

    Getting back in to creating those healthy meals is a challenge, but I think the same thing applies. Why do you not see yourself motivated in the task at hand? How can you look at it differently?

    Sometimes you just have to push against your own resistance and say "I'm going to HATE cooking this meal because I have no motivation, but my body will thank me for it".

    Hope that helps a little. :-)
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    I'm having the same exact issues with preparing meals and getting to the gym! I used to be so on top of things ~ took the time to plan, made it point to get to the gym (or walk outside) X-times a week and I too have lost my momentum. Now that things have started to settle down a little (no more out of town travel for the month of August), I'm easing back into it and hope that the enthusiasm will return 2-fold very soon! Consider this YOUR kick-in-the-pants to snap out of it and get back on the program! And support, that I can give. Add me as a friend, if you wish. :smile:
  • Sweetbuddy71
    To eliminate the excuse of it being to hot and humid try to do some weight training instead, It can help boost your metabolism. Any house hold item can be used.
    As far as healthy eating, remember that fruits and veggis are easy and good for u they can also help with energy levels. Also try to cook meals a head of time and freeze it for later. This way all you have to do is take it out and heat it up.

    You can do it so dont give up! you have come so far already and remember that even though you may slip you can start right back up and keep going. That is the beauty of the program.

    Good luck and remember you are Beautiful =)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Start with your grocery list - try planning out at least two meals and a snack per day and only shop for the things you're going to prepare. This is what I try to do every week and it really helps to stay on track when all you have in your house is the ingredients availalbe to make certain things.

    If you don't get bored with eating the same thing for lunch and breakfast at least most of the week, that makes things pretty easy, in my opinion. Just about every day I have oatmeal and a banana or homemade egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. For lunches, I'll mix up a couple cans of chicken or tuna with celery and light miracle whip in a large container and split it into 4-5 equal portions. All I have to do to pack lunch is scoop out that day's portion, put it on a sandwich thin, throw a couple fruits and a yogurt into my lunch box and I'm good to go.

    As far as exercise goes, remember that your body's gotten used to being sedentary again so take a couple steps back. Not sure what you were doing so I'll use myself as an example. I just got up to running 2.5 miles without stopping. If something happens and I don't exercise for a couple weeks. there's no way my body would be able to get right back up to that endurance so I might step back and try doing some walk/run intervals for a while until I feel like I might be able to get a full run in.

    Maybe you were being a bit too strict with your diet before? If that's the case, try building in a treat or two each week so you have something to look forward to and eating healthy the rest of the time has a reward.
    Give yourself a little bit of a break but try as hard as you can to get back into your former routine.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the fantastic replies. You have given me the boost I needed. I am drawing a line under the past and starting with a clean slate. Thank you :happy:
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    You can do it!!! ANyone who has not excersised for even a week has difficulty getting up to the level they were on previously so don't feel like you are the only one struggling to where you were previously. Just try and get back into it gradually a day at a time ,most importantly you are excersising and doing it for yourself.
    I think you are too hard on yourself!!! Karate and Judo is a difficult sport but the fact that you do it is awesome so keep it up.

    Food wise the replies you got from all the MFP members are great and I would follow it myself.
    :smile: So thanks Carolyn B for posting and to all those who replied Thank you as well.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I just wanted to let you know that I am doing much better now. Thanks to all of you for your help, support and motivation :happy: