learning to run

I have never enjoyed running...my lungs start burning (and its never felt like that "good" burn to me).. i'm trying, REALLY REALLY trying to learn to like running..i even started a beginners program thats 10 weeks long. i'd really like to learn to run and enjoy it and eventually do things like 5k marathons in order to have something for "me" (i'm a single mom and really need some personal accomplishments that aren't work related)... can anyone give me some pointers?


  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Are you doing a run/walk combo like c25k?
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    im doing a program i found online with runners magazine... i start off for a week walking 2 min and running 1, then week 2 is walk 1 run 1, week three is walk 1 run 2... etc until you run for the full 22 mins
  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    I think you need to surround yourself with an atmosphere or scenery you like.

    Some people like the gym because they are people watchers.
    Some people would like running the city.
    I'd rather be running the parks.

    Figure out what you like and it will be much more enjoyable...well less bad lol
  • edward1973
    I was never able to run but by walking really fast on the treadmill and doing little sprints i've got to the point where i ran for 9 and a half minutes - longest in my life i've ran - just takes time building up stamina - and i'm hardly the fittest and still quite large - so you can do it eventually
  • wcstrnad
    wcstrnad Posts: 3 Member
    Buy the best shoes you can afford. If possible go to a place where they actually watch you run and get the right shoes for the way you run. This will cut down on leg and ankle pain and you will have one less excuse to avoid running. :)
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I'm doing 7 mins walking, 1 min run for 1 week, then 6 mins walking 2 mins run the next week, etc.
  • CCGwald
    CCGwald Posts: 35 Member
    I personally prefer the solidarity of running alone. But others swear by running with a partner or in a larger group. It does add the extra motivation of not letting someone else down, on the days when you just don’t feel like going out there. If you go that route, find someone of the approximate ability, otherwise at least one of you will eventually be dissatisfied. Also as others have said, the initial mixing of intervals of walking into your running should be of absolutely NO CONCERN. Your endurance will come in time.
    Happy Trails, Roads, Tracks or Treadmills!