S.B.F. challenge Nov 22

Good morning ladies, I am off to Christmas shop so lots of walking involved. I filled up my water bottle and plan on a salad at lunch so I think I will have all the bases covered and have a good time while doing it. I'll need it as tonight is the Annual Spaghetti Dinner at a friends house we are going to tonight. I plan on making a veggie platter and dip so I eat more veggies before spaghetti:bigsmile: Have a great day!


  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Good morning ladies, I am off to Christmas shop so lots of walking involved. I filled up my water bottle and plan on a salad at lunch so I think I will have all the bases covered and have a good time while doing it. I'll need it as tonight is the Annual Spaghetti Dinner at a friends house we are going to tonight. I plan on making a veggie platter and dip so I eat more veggies before spaghetti:bigsmile: Have a great day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Good morning!
    Have fun today Karen! I need to go shopping, but we have to wait till after the 4th. Bummer.
    We are riding the train to Dallas so my DH can work on his brother in law's computer this morning. He wants to see all of us. It's going to be cold! Okay maybe not as cold for some of you but for me it's cold! Like in the 30's and 40's and we are walking about 4 blocks to get to the office. This afternoon we will be busy cleaning house to get ready for the prayer meeting tonight. We have one at our house once a month. That is probably all the work out I will get in today. I may even throw in some push ups for good measure. :wink: Have a good Saturday!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Christmas shopping, oh, the horror, the horror. I usually try to find a way to avoid any mall and do much of my shopping online. I've only have one gift picked out so far - a photo book - so it's going to take hours of time - but doesn't require any shopping. Just 5 more gifts to go! (my side of the family does not exchange, thank goodness).

    We have another beautiful week ahead - weather wise - though, we won't be here to enjoy it. Tomorrow I need to get my spring bulbs in! How did Thanksgiving get here so quickly! Busy day for us, but might go to husband's gym if we have the time - otherwise my gym. I need to figure out a way to get yoga in before I leave - because I know I won't do it on vacation. I have some free passes to a studio in town, I'll have to consider that. Yesterday, I did walk/jog for a record 25 minutes, did the elliptical and some other walking.

    Karen, the cat caretaker at the shelter I volunteer at, is also a pet sitter. He watches my kitties - I have to have someone come 2 times a day because of medications - it gets a little pricey that way - but what choice do I have. I just realized it will cost as much for him to watch my kitties for 8 days as a gym membership for a year. Wow. He's very reasonable (I've used other pet sitters before), but I guess I just didn't compare it to anything. But I could also think about it as 16 visits = about 16 hours or more of his time - or only 3 hours of my dieticians time. hmmm. Ok, I'm rambling now.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm mentally preparing myself to leave for the gym.

    I'm going to do weight training (full body. . .as I missed my lower body day) and then if I'm up to it, jump on the elliptical for a light 30 minutes.

    Yes, I'm with you on "the horror, the horror." I hate Christmas shopping, wrapping and even giving and receiving. Luckily we did a draw names thing for my husband's side this year. But still. . .I'm trying to think "what was the last gift someone gave me that I really, really loved." The only things I can think of are things I asked for. . .so really I just gave someone the assignment of being my personal shopper. I guess I'm a cynic, but I think most people would rather shop for themselves. That being said, I love Christmas, I like the church, the dinner, the pretty lights. . .I just really dislike the consumerism tied to it.

    So, I'm off to work out. Take care of yourselves!:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    I hate shopping but love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. I love seeing people open gifts that they like - or watching the kids tear through the paper. I also like to gift wrap - and for those that remember my posts from last year, I do it for a week straight, morning till night for the SPCA.

    The best gifts are always handmade though. They usually show a lot more thought than your average gift - even if it's a jar of jelly or pancake mix. Here are some handmade gifts I've received: a quillow (quilt/pillow), artwork, hand stitched comforter, afghan, jewelry, photo album, and various baked goods. Anyone with any ideas, please state some more. I would love to have ideas of what to give people and try to include at least one special gift each year. This year, my husband's grandmother will receive a photo album - which will probably take about 10 hours to put together.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Oooh, I definitely need some help on Christmas gift ideas. I hate shopping in general, and if I don't have a particular idea for a person before I go I feel like I'm just being lame. The only person I find easy to shop for is my husband - we spend so much time together that it's not too hard to think of what he'd like. And he usually appreciates clothes, since we both hate shopping for them. He has a large family, so thank goodness we are doing the 'draw a name' thing with a price limit for the adults - and the kids are doing 'hand down a favorite toy'. There's just not enough money to go crazy on shopping this year! That just leaves my family - parents, brother and sister-in-law, nephew - and a few close friends. Everyone tells me I'm hopeless to shop for because I don't give hints - if I want something, I usually just get it for myself.

    Being a techie - I might get a digital photo frame for my brother, or a video game. A friend of mine mentioned that she still doesn't have an MP3 player, so we may get her one. I still owe my husband a nice framed picture of me for his desk at work (that was supposed to be one of his birthday presents in July :embarassed: ). Baked goods or a houseplant might be good options for friends. There is a non-profit fair trade store with goods (mostly arts, crafts, jewelry, clothing) from other countries that I usually visit for one or two Christmas presents and good karma. I like more personal/homemade gifts, too, but I unfortunately am not very creative or 'crafty' (i.e. good with crafts). I'm pretty good at wrapping the presents, though. :wink:

    I'm still feeling kinda icky and anything that is going to make me breathe hard will probably send me on a several minute coughing fit. So I am taking it easy. I have a hour-long yoga video, though - maybe I can do that sometime this weekend. I am catching up on work-work (as opposed to school-work) today, but need to get back to my project ASAP. Happy weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hey, on the elliptical I thought up a new acronym/name for the challenge: NYNH. .. New Year, New Habits. . .

    what do you think? Maybe we could get some more fresh blood. . .
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Hey, on the elliptical I thought up a new acronym/name for the challenge: NYNH. .. New Year, New Habits. . .

    what do you think? Maybe we could get some more fresh blood. . .

    Sounds good to me - though it would have to wait for the new year, right? In the interim, how about Healthy Holiday Habits - or is that too corny? Could just be Healthy Holiday Fitness Challenge.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    I got my push ups shirt!!!:bigsmile: