suggestions for weight workouts with handweights

I am trying to mix my workouts between cardio and weights but i don't belong to a gym. I go body pump once a week at the moment. I have brought 3kg hand weights, I am wondering if anyone can recommend what is a good routine to do with hand weights so i can be doing a good weights workout more than once a week.


  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    Most of Jillian Michaels dvds use hand weights.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    If you have access to netflix, there are a few different streaming videos that include weighted workouts :) i did one last week w/ my 5lb hand weights and it kicked my butt!!! I think even just walking with them in your hands will help :)
  • tlrunyon
    tlrunyon Posts: 127
    I LOVE Cathe Friedrich workouts.
  • spongela
    spongela Posts: 107
    cool thanks for the suggestions. I tried a couple of the shred workouts, but wasnt sure if it was enough to count it as a weights day.
  • tmaksparkie
    Personally check out they have a ton of great exercises and plans I have done the free plans for the last 12 weeks and wowo did I get results
  • scottbaron
    scottbaron Posts: 11 Member
    Here a good one to do at home and if you need to, you can go to your knees for higher reps. Works chest, arms and back in a single expertise: