Net calories Question.



  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Your net calories should be as close as possible to your goal. If your goal is 1200, your net should be 1200.

    I think where a lot of people get confused is the saying, "You need to burn more than you eat." You need to take into consideration that your body is constantly burning calories. While you're sleeping, while you're eating, while you're typing on MFP.

    Your BMR is what your body would burn if you were in a coma or completely bedridden. That's the amount of calories your body needs to maintain it's current weight. Just by getting out of bed and even living a sedentary lifestyle, you burn extra calories on top of that. Even if you did no exercise at all, you would lose weight eating 1677, because you're burning more than that through normal activity.

    When you burn too many calories through exercise, and don't replace them, you're doing your body a huge disservice.

    That does help a bunch. So as a 'net' someone with a 'goal' of 1500 calories per day would try to get that line to hit 1500?

    By the way does the "in 5 weeks you would be..." account for the extra calories? I went to eat the extra 300 this morning that I earned at the gym, but put in foods before I ate. It changed my weight loss by a few pounds...

    I wouldn't concentrate too much on the number it says you may be in 5 weeks. There are too many variables to rely on that. I think that as long as you don't go under the 1200 net and not over your set net goal on MFP you should be fine. Losing weight quicker isn't always better.
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