MFP Runners Club 11-22



  • StrawberryMargarita
    Hi, I haven't been checking in regular, but I did a good run today.
    I did the 4.5 last week and was hoping to get out during the week, but my daughter had surgery and my mom came to visit, so I was lucky to get 5 hours of sleep let alone try to get up before getting ready for work.
    But I don't know if this counts, while I am at work, sometimes I have to do a little running around, and so when I am not where people can see me, I really do run. I also have been doing a few stretching and crunches a few time during the week. Nothing major, just keeping it loose.
    Anyway, I got out this morning and did a 5.5 mile run.
    I forgot to check the time and I didn't put on my monitor, but I was so glad to go, I just did it.

    Now the GU everyone is talking about?
    I use something in my water called Sustain... and before I run I eat a bar called Access.
    I find the access bar really helps me enjoy my run and go farther. (only 140 calories and I run extra so it buns away) The drink mix I just do that because it has the same stuff as gatoraid, but with less than half the calories and more of the good stuff.
    But the only bummer is I have to order it and I end up spending 50 bucks a month on the stuff.
    Talk to you later,