running shoes controversy

what do runners on this site think about this article ?

I m actually a scientist and I find their evidence and some of the comparisons not being so rigorous ... . I m kinda neutral in having an opinion but ... I wonder what other people think ? ...


  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    I disagree. When I was in cheap running shoes pulled off a shelf from a shoe store, I had several injuries including a stress fracture. I finally went to a running store and was fitted into a pair of Brooks and have not once had a injury. I keep track of the mileage on my shoes and when I get close to the 400-500 mile mark I can start to feel it again in my legs and knees. I will glady pay 100 for a pair of running shoes cause they keep me injury free and running strong.
  • Chiqui74
    Chiqui74 Posts: 72 Member
    I really don't think everyone can be painted with the same brush, so to speak. My husband and I are both runners; I wears shoes and he runs barefoot. Not minimalistic, completely barefoot. The only injuries he's suffered so far have been some blisters when he was first starting out. The only injuries I've suffered have been some small blisters on long runs. I think you have to do what you think is right for you and not blindly buy into any one side of the argument.
  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
    thanks , I actually got injured too because of not having good running shoes and I know for sure I could not run barefoot. As Chiqui said - depends on you , your body or whtever what fits you best ... :) and ... I think the point that this article makes is that ...rigidity and seeing the things in black and white is bad almost always
  • lisab42
    lisab42 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm transitioning into nearly barefoot with the NB Minimus Trail Shoe so the jury is still out. But if anyone is going to suffer problems it will be me. Fractured fibula a few years ago still causes me grief here and there even when I wear what I fondly refer to as my marshmallow shoes. So far so good though, no pain and I'm up to 4k a day. :happy:
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I haven't been running long enough to really know. I DO know that my right foot supinates, causing my right hip to have pain, and because I'm aware of it, I concentrate on correcting my stride myself, rather than relying on a shoe. I haven't had anymore hip pain since then. I'm a slow runner though, so it's easy enough to do this. I currently run in $40 shoes.
  • I personally wear the vibram five finger shoes , and since switching from regular nike expensive sport shoes.... I haven't had any injuries more than a blister... lol
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    I definatley don't agree, I switched to my Brooks and my hips dont hurt, my knees dont hurt and my feet dont hurt. With my other Newbalance shoes, I had all kinds of pains, shin splints and hip pain. My sister is the one who told me to go to a speciality shoe store...they will watch the way I walk and determine the kind of shoes I need. I'll never go cheap again!!
  • I definatley don't agree, I switched to my Brooks and my hips dont hurt, my knees dont hurt and my feet dont hurt. With my other Newbalance shoes, I had all kinds of pains, shin splints and hip pain. My sister is the one who told me to go to a speciality shoe store...they will watch the way I walk and determine the kind of shoes I need. I'll never go cheap again!!

    I believe that if you skimp in shoes, you'll end up paying up with the injuries/ cost to make your feet comfortable..
  • complejo
    complejo Posts: 36
    It all depends on the person... no one shoe brand no matter how expensive is going to be an end all cure all. I currently use two pairs that cost me a combined 30 bucks and I am fine. I bought some fancy nikes a few years back and instantly sprained my ankle severely... they just weren't the right shoes for me. So it really all depends. Specialized shoe stores are more likely to work because they spend more time figuring out what you need, but you could also just do it yourself and save money in the future.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    This is a hot topic widely debated. I don't want to get deep in the weeds on this, but here is the bottom line for me and the advice I give others: if what you are doing is causing you pain or causing injury try something different. If what you are doing isn't hurting or causing injury, then stick with it.

    So if you use quality running shoes and constantly are injured or hurting, then try out the minimalist running craze.

    If you use quality running shoes and have to issues, then stick with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! That's where I am today. I run in a good stability shoe and I run uninjured and pain free.