Challenge-10 things you like about your appearance

My significant other told me recently "you don't like anything about your appearance".

So what do you like about yourself? Can you think of 10 things? 5 things? 2?

This journey to health and looking and feeling better... we shouldn't loose sight of the fact we are beautiful, we have good attributes.
Yes we all have work to do...but we could probably afford to be a LITTLE less hard on ourselves!


  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Thank you. I really appropriate your kind words.
  • dimond1610
    I like my lips, my eyes, and personality(: see three right there and i didn't even have to think about it! if only some more things would come more
  • mnerfariousl
    mnerfariousl Posts: 41 Member
    my eyes, smile, lips, my wild hair, my legs, my toes, my boobs...(off the top of my head)
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    My butt is banging :)
    My eyes
    My chin now that the double chin is gone
    My legs are skinny
    My Ankles
    My smile
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I've always liked my eyes and my smile, but I'm loving my new jawline and my legs are looking pretty good for a former chubster!!! I love my feet too... I know it's wierd, but I think I have nice toes!!!! Oh, and my hairstyle is really working for me right now!

    Wierd to write that out... turns out I'm not so bad off after all!!!!
  • deadliftdavie1918
    deadliftdavie1918 Posts: 60 Member
    I like my eyes (I have been told i have great green eyeballs lol) my lips, my boobs, my big round bootie, my calves, my arms, and my eyebrows after they are waxed lol. 7 things! I like my brain too.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I like

    My face, it's always been pretty
    My hair, it listens well
    My boobs, I like having big boobs
    My butt, it looks great now
    My calves, smooth and athletic
    My brain because it is smart
    My arms because they are smoother and stronger now then they used to be
    My personality because I'm always the outgoing on, never shy
    My back because it's smooth and strong too

    I'm to the point where the only thing I REALLY don't like about myself is my tummy.
  • JeanWalker109
    Well, okay. Lemme think, here...

    01) I really do like my face.
    02) I have nice feet. (They're pretty and I keep them neat. *wink*)
    03) I like my skin tone.
    04) I have big boobies. ROFL!
    05) My legs are mega strong, which is really kewl.
    06) I like the freckles that show on different spots of my face. (I look more like my mom & her sisters each year.)
    07) God's blessed me with nice hair. I've been fortunate, in that, I can pull off most styles & I really like to change it up.
    08) I like the area around my collarbone. It always looks nice in v-neck tops.
    09) I have a genuine smile (gums & all) that a lot of people enjoy. (I sing at church and most people really enjoy my smile. Glory to God.)
    10) I have nice fingers.

    Okay, I admit it was hard to think about things I honestly liked about myself. I tried to do it without adding on the 'I have really big hands, but they look nice'. I'm working on this part of myself, though. I deserve to like myself. There's nothing wrong with me, I'm just in processing! ;-)


  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    I have well defined calves.
    My nails have a nice shape.
    I smile a lot.
    My hair is easy to style.

    The rest is too intimate to share. ;)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I like my eyes, my smile, my arms, my calves, my thighs, my glutes, my back, my intelligence, my work ethic, and my sexual stamina...LOL...should I go on?...I have no problem with listing what I like about myself...couldn't have a list that long back on November 10th, 2010 when I started this journey...including the sexual stamina part...sorry, it's true, with fitness comes improved performance in certain other areas in life.

    As Tony Horton would say, "Ya gotta love yourself"...
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    What a cool idea! : ) Thanks!

    It sounds funny, but I really like my lower legs/calves . . they've always been the skinniest part of me. LOL

    I also like my eyes and my smile. : )
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    -My great hands. (Long fingers, amazing nails, very talented with them.)

    -Boobs. (Yeah, they're awesome. And big.)

    -Feet. (I keep them very clean and pretty.)

    -Eyes. (Now, I really say I hate them because that's ALL people notice, but they are pretty nice.)

    -Cheek bones. (I love how high they are, and how they brighten up my face.)

    -Lips. (They're very full and attractive.)

    -Hair. (When I actually take the time to do it, it's really pretty.)

    -Skin. (Now, I'm talking about my body, not my face. Face is super acne prone, but the rest of my skin is very soft, and tans well.)

    Everything from here on out would be personality.
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    *~like my long hair that has a bit of wave to it!!!
    -my smile,
    -my teeth (being a dental assistant, that helps)
    *~eyelashes - they are long and I definitely use mascara to play that up
    -getting a flatter tummy - curves are coming!!(Insanity)
    -my height -5'9
    -mostly easy going personality, even tho I am in introvert (oops that's not appearance)
    ok, that is 7.....
    -how about my 'flat' yet firm butt, lol. Squats rock! ouch.
    -strong hands with great fingernails
    PHEW, that took about 15 minutes to think about and write down in words:)
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    This is a great post! So many of us could post 10 things we don't like about our appearance in no time. We need to remember we are beautiful. Thank you.
    1-my smile
    2-my booty
    3-strong nails
    4-soft skin
    5-nice hair length
    6-my teeth
    7-my chocolate chips (moles)
  • ljmeep
    ljmeep Posts: 29
    1. My eyes
    2. My freckles... I know that sounds odd, but it's a connection to my mom and I like that
    3. My skin tone in mid to late summer when I have a nice tan going
    4. I like the way my boobs look in a good bra and a v neck shirt
    5. I like the way my calves look when I wear heals (which I've had to give up until I drop a lil' more b/c I almost broke my ankle last time I tried... lol)
    6. I like the way my fingers look when my nails are painted
    7. I like my feet after a pedi
    8. I like the way my face looks when my brows are properly shapped and I have a thin layer of makeup... makes me feel pretty
    9. I like the way I look when my hair is long and cooperates w/ proper styling
    10. I like that my height... even if I am on the shorter side :)
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    lol I should probably add my own

    1. my butt (used to hate it)
    2. Skin tone
    3. Smile
    4. Eyes
    5. defined but feminine arms
    6. My huge heart, sense of humor and wit
    7. Long legs
    8. Boobs(though, I liked them better before two kids)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am so HAPPY that you started this! We all get so involved in our appearance but health is so much more. If we were to talk with someone who deals with a chronic illness they would have a whole different view of health. I try not to get hung up with the whole media idea of health.
    I like the strength and energy the strong legs I have that brought heath and fitness. I like my makes others laugh and they don't know why. I like my toes and eyebrows. Boob size is decent...not too little or too much. LOOOOL!!!!!!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am so HAPPY that you started this! We all get so involved in our appearance but health is so much more. If we were to talk with someone who deals with a chronic illness they would have a whole different view of health. I try not to get hung up with the whole media idea of health.
    I like the strength and energy the strong legs I have that brought heath and fitness. I like my makes others laugh and they don't know why. I like my toes and eyebrows. Boob size is decent...not too little or too much. LOOOOL!!!!!!!
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    1. My skin tone (easily tans and doesn't burn)
    2. My eyes (extremely unique birthmark in iris)
    3. My boobs (just big enough for decent cleavage)
    4. My hair (short and raspberry red)
    5. My neck (long)

    This is on a good day. I hate my body half the time, and most of these features other people have complemented me on (except the boobs, some people just stared and made an O-face).
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I have no qualms about liking myself:

    1. I like my eyes
    2. I like that I have a large chest
    3. I like that I have big hips
    4. I like that my hair is thick
    5. I like that my teeth are straight, and I never had braces!
    6. I like that I'm not a super hairy person
    7. I like my eyebrows
    8. I like my neck
    9. I like my nether regions
    10. I like my ears