I feel like i've lost all self control

Lately i've been eating entirely too much. I'm not being dramatic either , like lately i have been eating more than i'm supposed to; especially around midnight. I feel like i can't control what goes in my mouth, everytime i turn around i'm hungry or i'm looking for food. lately my life has been revolving around food. I don't have any motivation to workout, i want to be skinny but i don't want to do what it takes to get there anymore. what the hell is going on with me?? i really need some inpiration to get me back on track...please help you guys.....



  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have been through this before. We're here for you!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Ugh! I'm on the same exact detour of my journey! If you figure it out, let me know!

    GOOD LUCK! :drinker:
  • Ugh I know... it's like, what do you think about when you're not supposed to think about elephants? Duh, elephants...
    Or in this case, quitting, food, and utter deliciousness. Unless you want to eat an elephant... which is... uh... a little weird... and illegal...

    It is simply going to take a lot of willpower. The guilt helps for me, I remember how I feel like I have let myself down and so I don't let myself slip again!

    Just remember, you can do whatever you put your mind to. :)

    And nothing tastes as good as skinny. Not even an elephant.
  • Awee, you have just lost your motivation... I mean this is for you, all of it is for you.. You can eat..and eat, its what you eat and how much to eat.. its all about choices, one day at a time.. Make up your mind, envovle yourself for yourself.. and stand up to yourself as a challenge.. Give your self some time to get it right.. Read about foods., journal your thoughts.. vent.. and try again.
    We are here to support one another on a journey..... a daily life journey.. it isnt about being thin or skinny ( hence looking good never hurt and makes us feel spectacular.. However this is about you on the inside and your choices to pick healthy foods that taste good and on occasion have something that isnt healthy.. Read labels.. throw out what you cant keep your hands off of, or rather dont buy it. .. Know that your efforts will pay off.. Make a list of all the foods you like.. everything !! AND Some you have never tried.. and use that to make your meals and and exericse.. walk, jump rope, run. ride a bike,. lift hand weights.. go to the gym. call a friend do what ever it takes to get you to get you to do it.. fighting a battle within yourself is that enemy that wants to be healthy - thin and it be easy.
    well it aint easy but it can be done.. Look around on here at some of the people who have came extreme distances and then look at yourself.. Im sure if they can do it.. you can do it...... Smile, its all gunna be ok !!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    For one, you are a very beautiful young lady, and you deserve to feel as beautiful on the inside as you look on the outside! My advice? Don't look at the big picture, start with baby steps. Log your food faithfully, everyday, to see how much you're actually consuming, and adjust as needed. Than, start adding in exercise; it doesn't have to be crazy, but just do something that will give you a sense of accomplishment for that day, and motivation to continue the next day. Commitment won't happen overnight, but if you set your mind to it, it WILL happen. When you commit to clean eating and exercise, and start seeing results, that AWESOME feeling will push you through the temptations! Promise!
  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    i can so relate to you! one day i can be a tough in control "b" and the next day i want it all!
    but taking it one day at a time is helping me a great deal. So take it a day at a time, an hr at a time.. hang in there !! and feel free to add me :)
  • ewegner
    ewegner Posts: 48 Member
    I've been feeling like this too lately..cant seem to get full, constantly munching on food and not always the 'good stuff'...and knowing itls not right! I've come so far and I'm only 5 lbs away from my goal, so why now??? I think we all go through this. Maybe it just seems too hard, maybe you're so close and afraid to just 'maintain' or keep it off (sabotage your progress)...whatever it may be, know that it's not the end of the world. You are addressing it and realized you're doing it, so obviously you want to stop. Is it that TOM? Are you at a plateau? Maybe just switch some things up. Plan a fun workout, go to a workout class, workout with a friend...get rid of your snack foods and load up on fruits and veggies..try and set yourself up for success! Don't give up! Maybe you need a few days to 'take off' from all of the limitations you feel with food and weight..i just did this myself and I was afraid I would totally fall off the wagon, but after just 2 days I couldn't take it. I felt horrible, unhealthy, and was dying to workout. Feel free to friend me and I'll be there for support. I hope you can get over this hump, everyone gets the at some point..just make the effort to keep going!
  • Enollan
    Enollan Posts: 2
    I've been where you are, and a couple things helped me. You might try them. Check out two things: 1) How much sleep are you getting? and 2) how much water are you drinking?

    1) If you are getting up at a typical time in the morning (6-8 am) and you're still up at midnight, you're tired. Your body will be looking for food to give you an energy boost. To put it simply, go to bed earlier! Your body is tired, even if your brain is not. If you don't give it rest, it will crave other sources of energy, like food. Also, are you stressed? People often stay up late because they can't relax and stress is often the cause. Maybe a late evening exercise session (a couple hours before bedtime) might help. This also can motivate you to drink more water, which leads to #2 . . .
    2) Make SURE you are drinking all the recommended water, or more. It isn't uncommon to crave almost any food or drink when your body is thirsty, and water can be a miracle worker to eliminate those cravings. It won't work if you wait until the craving hits, though. You need to be drinking steadily during the day so you stay hydrated. Water will also help boost your energy level and keep your body from thinking it's got to have SOMETHING RIGHT NOW to be satisfied.

    I know these suggestions might seem too simple, but they really helped me. Keep us posted on how you're doing!
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    it happens to me all the time,i also wrote here something about that and people told me to get out of the house,read or do anything that would keep my mind off of food.you should also be chewing gums instead of eating.but,seriously,this site is so awesome and it makes me think of what and how much i eat,and i didn't pay much attention to it before,so maybe you should just concentrate on that and be aware of the fact that you shouldn't eat more than you're allowed to.
  • i don't get enough sleep, and i am stressed out. Lately it's been so hard for me to find a job, nobody will hire me. I want to go to school in september but idk if that will ever happen. Most of the time when i go to bed early like at 10, i won't fall asleep until 6. How can i make myself fall asleep early?? i try to take my mind off of everything thats bothering me, but not having any money in my pocket makes me crazy lol
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Losing weight is a hard journey!! It is so tuff at times I just wonder, what exactly am I doing this for. Is all the pain and torment worth being skinny/sexy/healthy. Then I think about how much better I will feel when I get to my goal, how I will feel about myself, how proud my children, husband will be of me. I have so many health issues right now, it is unbelievable, the last thing I need is to be obese, with a weak heart. I want to live to play with my grandchildren, heck even my great grandchildren. I have days, even weeks where it seems I just want to shovel every drop of unhealthy food I can find in my mouth. Even if I am about to bust, I will continue. A couple of things that help me, be sure you are exercising, drink plenty of water, eat lots of protein and cut all processed/simple carbs out of your diet. Simple carbs make you crave more. When you get to feeling like you want to eat everything, stay out of the kitchen or store, occupy your body and mind with cleaning, walk around the block, or something that keeps you hands busy. No time to shove food in your mouth.
  • Thanks Everyone! you advice really helped :) ijust need to take one day at a time , and just be patient. But most of all i need to get my sleeping time back on track and drink more water, and try not to be so stressed out all of the time. once again thank you so muchhh! mauhh<3
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Paris, I have insomnia issues. When I find myself getting into a cycle of sleeping so little, I start taking half a unisom early. I can make myself stay awake, but I try to turn off the tv, turn off music that I exercise to, and focus on relaxing and sleeping. If my brain is going a million miles an hour, I count to myself. I see how high I can count before my thoughts wonder and when I find myself wondering mentally, I stop, go back to one, and start counting again.

    Push through it! One day at a time!!