22 pounds in 2 months period good rate?

I have been slowly slimming down. 22 total pounds lost total so far, was pretty shocked when I weighed in today after a month had lost another 5 pounds. Most of my "diet" has become habit, plus going down from 6 or 7 cans of soda a day down to 3 or 4 a week total.

Is this rate slow enough to not have rebound but could I go lose faster without worry?


  • nicoleleigh33
    That is great weight loss! I wish I could be at that rate. Keep it up!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Congrats on your progress. Many people lose quickly at first, some of this is water weight and your body getting rid of toxins and other junk as you adjust to a healthier lifestyle.

    Eventually your metabolism catches on to your "antics" and will mess with you, but keep at it. Even though weight loss is likely to slow for your eventually (it gets slower as you get closer to your goal) - keep at it. You'll get there soon enough.
  • Terriann7
    So good!!!
  • mwomack95
    wifemomdvn is right on!! Also congrats on your first 20lbs....celebate each milestone.

    My doctor recomended 2 lbs per week max, yet at first if you start off heavier, you can lose a lot of water weight. I lost 10 lbs one week, my 3rd week out. Now I have to be alot more careful with my eating habits and exercise. Enjoy the weight that has come off...it's such an incredible diffrence!! Dont' get discourged if it slows down, any weight loss is still a "gain" :)
  • KristaWeiss
    KristaWeiss Posts: 233 Member
    yes that is just about right. I had to be certified in fitness and nutricion in order to teach at a Martial Arts school and a healthy weight loss is 2-3 lbs per week. Great job!!!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Oh man I wish I could lose that quickly. Great job! Idk how sustainable it is but I'd say if you're getting good results and feeling good, then it's fine. Just try to start losing slower at a more sustainable pace once you get closer to your goal and you should be ok. :D
  • SAR1L
    SAR1L Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you very much guys, and I appreciate the feedback, important for me to get the last 33 prounds off and build back to what I used to be. Not liivng in the past or anything, but I think I had a lot more pride in my condition would like to be at my best again.

    Also is it pretty normal for people to add, remove you if you go dormant, had a couple friends on here then I kinda went ghost for a month or so, and noticed my friends list of 2 or 3 people is empty now.
  • I lost 22 pounds since January 7th and still loosing