Quick Lunch Recipes for Work

I wanted to know some great recipes that are good and quick but healthy as well because I currently work 8-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week on third shift. I'm trying to get my athletic figure back that I've lost a little in the past few years. Any ideas and recipes would be greatly appreciated.


  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Any salad made with quinoa - just google it, there are tons out there. But a go to at our house is quinoa, boccocini (sp?) cheese, chopped tomatoes, some green peas, a little bit of chopped onion (really, any cut up veggie works). Use an olive oil/balsamic vinegar mix to moisten. Mmm. Full of protein and goodies, tastes awesome, and keeps you full!
  • lynseydouros
    lynseydouros Posts: 1 Member
    Lean Cuisines are wonderful (My favorite is the butternut squash ravioli- about 220 caloires)- or, I just pack a salad, fruit, and protein (cottage cheese or Chobani plain or vanila greek yogurt).
  • maryloo2011
    Ha - um, my go-to-quickly-made-in-the-morning lunches consist of:

    - handful of spinach (typically at least around 3oz)
    - bunch of mushrooms
    - red, orange and yellow bell peppers
    - freeze dried red onions
    - freeze dried spring onions
    - deli meat (chicken or turkey) or chicken breast chunks (made the night before)
    - dressing, usually raspberry vinaigrette or something similar

    Can also put most of that into a sandwich (I use Orowheat's sandwich thins...)

    Otherwise I will make a full-out lunch meal the night before. Might consist of shrimp, a more involved chicken dish, etc.... I really love cooking nowadays.