Hunger or Appitite?

I'm always feeling like I want to eat. After every meal and every hour. How can I tell when I am actually hungry and when I just really want to eat food.


  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    First make sure your body is thirsty so drink some water! I've also heard if you wait about 20 or so mins after the initial "craving" you'll be able to tell if you just want it or if you need it. Also, if I think it's just a craving I'll chew a piece of gum to see if the food-want goes away or not.

    Of course my stomach usually starts growling up a storm when I'm actually hungry too ;)
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    When I'm starving and shouldn't be, I try drinking a big glass of water and waiting 30 minutes. If I'm still hungry, then I have a small,lean protein snack. It may be that you're used to eating, so your hands feel unoccupied, or it may be that you're eating too fast. Could also be the wrong kinds of foods. Simple carbs and high fat meats leave us feeling hungry sooner. Hope that helps.
  • I have a very bad habit of eating when I'm bored. I started drinking water instead and I don't snack nearly as much as I used to. I keep a water bottle with me all day and work and just sip on it all day. I may pee every hour but at least I'm not needlessly eating!! Lol
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Watch your sugar intake.
    BOTH sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your appetite, so cutting back on them makes weight loss easier, because you are not hungry all the time.

    If I have a DIET COKE, no way I can keep at 1200 cal.
    More foods now than ever before have hidden sugars in them and are sold as "real foods"
    If I'm going to eat the sugar I want a cookie, gosh darn it!

    I've really been amazed at how much sugar I've found in "REAL FOOD" Food manufacturers add a lot of sugar under a lot of different unrecognizable names into products, because it's cheap and it increases your appetite, so you eat more.

    (I picked up a lean cuisine one evening forgot to check the sugar went to enter it to find out it had 30g of sugar, now

    A) I only get 25g a day,
    B) my favorite cookies are 9g for 15 cookies. If I'm going to eat sugar I want to enjoy a treat!!!

    Also watch out for yogurts there usually very high in sugar, by plain and add a little hershey syrup or jam or cukes & dill at least YOU will be controlling your intake.)
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    What Stephanie said. I was a boredom eater. Now I ALWAYS take my 15 minute breaks and walk around the block or read (my job is super boring!) so that I don't get as many cravings, it seems to be working some. Also, I keep the packs of Trader Joe's "Just a Handful" roasted unsalted Almonds in my desk. They're about 200 calories, but chocked full of protein and a little fat to keep me happy 'til lunch time.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    All I can tell you is to drink 8ounces ten minutes before and another right after. Eat to not be hungry, not to be full!