Anyone else have super weird food quirks....



  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Nope. I'm non-ocd, not picky, not a germaphobe, (our bodies were designed to fight little things off as it is) and don't have strange food necessities.

    This. I'm even overcoming my distaste for warm tomato-based sauces/soups. Slowly.
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    I eat one thing at a time on my plate... And if i drink milk, juice, or anything liquid in a container, or pouring cream, I have to shake it first. Which is awesome if the cap hasn't been put back on properly... And I absolutely refuse to eat any sort of organ meat or sausage, or artichokes.

    That's about as weird as I get. But I don't get bugged, because my friends have some pretty out there food quirks, so mine seem relatively normal.
  • CharNordie
    CharNordie Posts: 96 Member
    I will hold a hamburger or sandwich from Subway in the exact same spot and never put it down until I finish the whole thing...EXCEPT the parts of the bun that my fingers have been touching. Not because my hands have germs (because I always wash them before eating especially when in public) but because the bread is now the same temperature as my fingers. It grosses me out beyond belief. And I don't want to put my sandwich down in between bites because then I'll be touching it all over getting the whole thing that weird temperature.

    My milk and water has to be ice cold. If it is milk that has "warmed up" even just a little I won't drink it. So in the case of milk I usually pour a glass and chug it as quickly as possible. If it's water, it always has to have ice in it or be chugged right away.

    I don't eat bananas because of the sound that happens while you chew it. It makes me think of spit and then makes me want to throw up, I'm super sensitive about spit. It's weird
  • Ajontheguitar
    I suppose my only quirk is I hate drinking anything that isn't near freezing.
  • thenewkarisa
    GREAT TOPIC! Are you sure you're not OCD? JK I can't drink milk in an open cup either... my water also has to be closed.. if my water sits for a couple hours, I look at it, find some pieces of dust, and give it to the dogs. I'll sit and peel the strings from a banana until they're all gone before I eat it. When I make a sandwich, I can't put the cheese on the mayo - I have to put it on the slice with mustard and the meat onto the slice with mayo. When I used to eat pop sickles, I couldn't lick the ice cream off the stick because I can't handle a piece of wood in my mouth (I'm making a fish face as I type). I can't stand seeing bits of butter in the jelly jar or bits of jelly in he peanut butter jar or any combo of the 3. I can't stand something scraping on the front surface of my front teeth (like when you split pumpkin seed shells with your front teeth). Ok, I think that's enough LOL
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    Oh karisa, i am totally ocd.. i have a list a mile long and seriously it gets bigger ALL the time...

    in addition to everything else ive already mentioned...

    i can ONLY eat gummy bears, or any squishy gummy candy) if they have been in the freezer, i cant do the squishyness in my fingers... ( the texture thing)....
    I take utensils with me everywhere i go and i use them... ( even other peoples houses)....
    I cant eat tomatoes, bell peppers, cantaloupe, pumpkins etc, unless someone else has cut out all the inside slimey seedy parts,,,
    i cant eat chips if i dont like the shape of them...
    i can not eat crust on bread unless i take it off and put it inside the sandwich...
    The only way i will eat eggs is if they are cubed or such in a salad or in egg salady type foods.. hard boiled and scrambled and such are a no go for me...
    I cant eat anything if something was added to it to make it a different color ( mashed potatoes mixed with gravy,)
    i cant drink water unless it is in a plastic or reusable bottle
    if i eat off a square plate i have to put something inthe middle and each corner
    my utensils can NEVER touch each other after they have touched food, or i will get new ones

    i am TOTALLY ocd.. hahah! the only part i really hate is when i think i have finally reached the end of my list, i discover something else to add.. and i cant eat mustard, mainly because i have an allergy to it.. but the smell of it just makes my blood churn.. its so crazy
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    in all super seriousness though.. I absolutely love that no matter how strange the quirk is.. no one is judged for it! That just goes to show what great amazing and supportive people there are on this site!!..

    Weirdos and normies unite!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    my food CANNOT touch, I'll often eat of of 2-3 plates just to prevent touching. I also am weird about scrambled eggs, if it has "crust" or "bottom eggs" as I call them (eggs that aren't really mixed and just look like an imprint of the surface of the pan) I gag. I also can't watch eggs being scrambled and then eat them.
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    i seriously love all you guys!!! Im all at home with my quirkies!!! I LOVE IT!
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    If it's oily or greasy, it gets wrapped with paper towel to sop up the grease, no matter how much or how little comes off. Twice.
  • sschiano
    sschiano Posts: 48 Member
    my sister will eat mashed potatoes and wipe her plate clean before moving on to the salad, and then clean again before eating the chicken. i dont have many quirks but i do notice that if i am eating something mixed like salad or fruit loops or berries i will eat all of the same kind or color before moving on to the next and i always go on a gradient from warm colors to cool colors exceopt with berries because i always eat blueberries first.
  • witstar
    witstar Posts: 25
    i, too, put chips in sandwiches. i eat pizza til just the crust is left and dunk it in my soda quickly and eat the softened crust. i get addicted to one food for months at a time and i eat it for every meal. recently, it was goulash. once a week i would make a huge stockpot of goulash using 3lbs of hamburger, 2lbs of elbows and eat it all week til i made the next pot. years ago, it was cereal.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member

    I have spent the majority of my middle school to adult life being picked on and the butt of jokes about my quirks.. I'm fairly certain it is some form of OCD. But.. im no doctor!! But thanks for letting me know im not a total whack job!!!!!

    This sounds right. But if it doesn't cripple your life style who cares and the hell with people who think you're weird. And the tomato thing. Totally there!!! and the gristle in meat. Ugggh
  • Stephie_W
    Stephie_W Posts: 27 Member
    Wow, I have found kindred spirits!!! Besides the stuff I already mentioned, after reading all of your posts, I can co-sign with: strings on the bananas, the smell of milk, the consistency of tomatoes, and gristle/fat in meat. Yuck to all of that!!!

    As a kid I didn't like for my foods to touch, but I can deal with that now, as long as no food is too wet or runny.

    For certain candies, like Skittles, I have always eaten the pieces in groups by color. Ocassionally I'll mix 2 colors together when I'm feeling a little dangerous. Ha ha.

    I've never considered my food quirks to be anything but quirks. But like someone else said, it has zero effect on my life, so who cares, right?
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    Mine stems completely from my OCD... It doesnt hinder my life because i have lived with it for so long, it isnt a big deal anymore!!

    I don't even mind being picked on for it.. I think its hilarious!!! :0)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yeah sounds like a touch of OCD. As long as you can live your life with it I guess don't worry!
    I don't really have any issues, guess I'm lucky. Beyond basic safety issues (expiry, holes in boxes/bags) I'm pretty much ok with everything else.
  • serhart
    serhart Posts: 27
    Yeah sounds like a touch of OCD. As long as you can live your life with it I guess don't worry!
    I don't really have any issues, guess I'm lucky. Beyond basic safety issues (expiry, holes in boxes/bags) I'm pretty much ok with everything else.

    OMG.. expiration dates... LOL.. they make me nuts.. i will throw things out the DAY before.. I drive my fiance crazy....