Planning to be half the person you were

Hi all,

Anyone else planning and hoping to be half the person they started out as?! Well, half the weight, anyway. The rest of us needs no reducing, I'm sure ;)

It feels like such a long way to go, but now I've lost 15lb it's actually 9% of the way there. I can do this 10 more times, can't I?

MFP makes it a lot easier than the back of an envelope way I tried years ago. I'm using Diet Chef at the moment just because life is so busy and it makes it easy/convenient.

Anyhow, I'd love to hear from any more of you on the way to being half the weight you started out as, wherever you are on the journey.


  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Heh - I'm planning to be one-third of the person I was! I'm one-third of the way there.

    You sure as all heck can do it! MFP is a great tool full of great people.
  • kristofferbas
    kristofferbas Posts: 101 Member
    Yes, my plan is to be half the person too :) I think anyway. Was a long time ago I was that small, so It's hard to know what the best weight for me to be is. Started at 150 kilos, and I'm almost down to 110 now (it has taken about 5 months), so I'm just over half way there. I know that I can do it cause now I've made exercise and healthy food such a big part of my life :)

  • ZoayZoay
    ZoayZoay Posts: 60 Member
    Wow J and K, you're both an inspiration! :)

    About 12 years ago I got from 120kg to 90kg over about a year. That was the thinnest I'd been since my teens, I think. Then stopped counting calories, got married and happy (weight gain), had a baby (no weight gain), didn't sleep for 4 years because of said child (gained plenty) and lo and behold after dislocating my kneeecap ended up at much too much.

    Anyhow, onwards and downwards! Happily my husband is doing the same which helps a lot. No temptation around.