finding yourself

I have found something inside myself that i thought that i had Lost

I found my twinkle

I'm finding alot

I know who i am and that is my me

I find such courage now i am free

I love being warm

Happy and content

I like being wanted

I love being in this being

I have no regret

For we only live once

And Thats our beggining for once is enough

I need to cherish my being

Take more time to hear my unhinged mind

Listen out to my instincts

And to feel at will

It ok to be scared to fear the unknown

But to never have tried this is unforgivable no matter how old you feel

I love being me i'm in tune with my earth where we live with the sun and the moon

I love the you all and you all love me

To the stars i wish for my friends and family welfare

In my dreams i believe that my future is safe not set nor un just

It's long and its happy in lots of ways

thank you xxx

I know i'm a true and good woman
deep breath
today is yesterday tomorrow dont mess it up by waiting for tomorrow again

Not judgmental or bitter

Just a believer

And i know who i am but where i am going i truly don't fear