TurboFire rest day question

So I am wrapping up week two of TurboFire and absolutely LOVING it!! I have followed the calendar religiously, except for the rest day... since my honey is home on the weekends, I have made my rest day Sunday instead of Wednesday. My question is should I alter the rotation of the workouts? Are they designed FOR Wednesday rests?


  • texastae1010
    I don't think that you have to have the Wednesday rest day I think it an amount of days in a row to be able to let your body recoop I do the same as you I changed up my calender for TF ...I just do 6 days in a row and have a rest day and I am not in pain and my body is not screaming in pain so I feel ok with this lol :) I just restarted my TF today after a month or so off so all this was past tense and going to be what I do again lol :) how can you not love TF :)
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I would just take your rest day on Saturday. I think it's designed that way to give people a break in the middle of the workouts. But if you're strong enough to just do 6 days and then rest, go for it!