I gained weight :-/

silkysly Posts: 701 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Not really a happy camper this morning. I weighed myself & gained about a pound. I haven’t really made ANY progress in the last month, but I burn 500 to 900 calories six days a week (running). I am usually under my calories, but I guess I’m under them too much, I don’t know. (yesterday I was way under) I’m pretty sad about trying so hard & not getting anywhere in a month. Maybe I need to eat more, but I’m really not hungry with all this heat that is taking over most of the country. They lose weight on Survivor with little or no food, but I eat VERY healthy.

Damn…, just damn!


  • livlinde
    livlinde Posts: 39
    I'm sorry! That can be so frustrating. When I encountered a similar issue, people told me to watch my carb intake. That might help you, too!
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    When you work out so much, your muscles retain water... maybe take a break for a few days and eat lighter? Also, the weight you gained could be a combination of water weight and muscle gain?

    Is your sodium high?
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm with you, only it hasn't been a month for me. It's only been this week. I've been running a lot, too, and nothing! Really, body?! Nothing?! Not sure what's going on, but the only thing that KINDA makes me feel better (and that is a big "kinda") is knowing that I'm living a much healthier lifestyle than probably 80% of Americans just by watching what I eat and getting regular exercise. If you don't mind me asking, how far from your goal weight are you? I still have 32 lbs to go! WAY too early for a plateau!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    It's frustrating isn't it? Keep with it, I know it's been said before. All of a sudden you will weigh yourself and you will be down a few lbs and feel better.

    We've all been there (I'm 'there' at the minute) so know how you feel.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    When you work out so much, your muscles retain water... maybe take a break for a few days and eat lighter? Also, the weight you gained could be a combination of water weight and muscle gain?

    Is your sodium high?

    No, I really try to watch my sodium. (my diary is open) Most of my meals are cooked from scratch & nothing that comes from a box to the microwave. If I eat ice cream, it is just a ½ cup & the no sugar added kind. (Blue Bunny)

    My measurements haven’t changes either..., arg!
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    I weighed in this morning too and gained 2lbs:( i started MFP 2 1/2 weeks ago and walk every evening for at least 30mins and lost 5lbs. but i started 30DS this past wed and now ive gained 2lbs whats up with that... i know EXACTLY how your feeling..i stay 200-300 under calories after i workout. its very frustrating!
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    There are a lot of posts in the FAQ section on this. Are you eating your exercis calories? You are in the sub-1200 calorie range, which is why you aren't losing.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    If it's hard to eat because the heat, try to eat something cold - like yogurt. Or drink something - milk, make a fresh fruit shake, etc.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Have you been measuring? I found the week that I had gained a lb., when I measured, I still had lost inches! The scale doesn't always tell the full story! Don't give up!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hi - I just looked at your food diary for the last few days. Your carbs and protein are okay but your sodium is WAY high - over 2 times what you need on some days. I would start by keeping that sodium in check. ESPECIALLY since your a woman and we tend to hold on to every drop of water that falls out of the sky. That will drop some weight real quickly then I would try some carb and protein cycling.
  • newzgirl
    newzgirl Posts: 14
    Hi Silky!!

    When I eat too little, my body gets really ticked off and reacts silly. So, yes, maybe you are not eating enough. What is your calorie per day goal without the awarded extra calories for exercise?

  • andthenwhy
    andthenwhy Posts: 2 Member
    Weight is the old king. Out with the old, in with the new. Remember that muscle weighs 3x as much as fat, and maybe start measuring yourself instead of just weighing in. Look for NSVs this week, too. Are your shirts a little looser? Do you feel stronger when you run? Gaining one pound, ONE! isn't going to throw you off track or destroy your life. For all you know, next week you'll lose two instead. Head up, keep on trucking.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I'm with you, only it hasn't been a month for me. It's only been this week. I've been running a lot, too, and nothing! Really, body?! Nothing?! Not sure what's going on, but the only thing that KINDA makes me feel better (and that is a big "kinda") is knowing that I'm living a much healthier lifestyle than probably 80% of Americans just by watching what I eat and getting regular exercise. If you don't mind me asking, how far from your goal weight are you? I still have 32 lbs to go! WAY too early for a plateau!

    Just those last 5 or so pounds. I have that fluffy goo in the midsection. I am VERY healthy, but also I’m very frustrated right now. I try SOOO hard ALLLL the time. I have NOOO support from family & friends, they are all thicker & don’t really care about being healthy.
  • why does MFP say to eat 1200/day calories, and need to burn 1400 cal/week to lose 2 lb a week. When I add my cardio calories, it gives me more daily calories. I am not understanding. Any help?
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    why does MFP say to eat 1200/day calories, and need to burn 1400 cal/week to lose 2 lb a week. When I add my cardio calories, it gives me more daily calories. I am not understanding. Any help?

    You shouldnt set your weight loss to no more than 1 1/2 lbs a week. also whatever calories you burn from exercising you should eat back at least half .
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Hi - I just looked at your food diary for the last few days. Your carbs and protein are okay but your sodium is WAY high - over 2 times what you need on some days. I would start by keeping that sodium in check. ESPECIALLY since your a woman and we tend to hold on to every drop of water that falls out of the sky. That will drop some weight real quickly then I would try some carb and protein cycling.

    I think my sodium was usually high this week because I bought a Wal-Mart - Lemon Pepper Rotisserie Chicken & had a prepackage hamburger paddy & a hot dog. (I was trying to bump up my calories.) I NEVER salt anything & the eggs are from the food database. I don’t even salt them either. (I'm not sure why it says they have salt.) I drink a lot of water, I mean A LOT of water…., crazy amounts of water!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Hi Silky!!

    When I eat too little, my body gets really ticked off and reacts silly. So, yes, maybe you are not eating enough. What is your calorie per day goal without the awarded extra calories for exercise?


    1200..., I know I was under that yesterday. I usually hit that & them some.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    why does MFP say to eat 1200/day calories, and need to burn 1400 cal/week to lose 2 lb a week. When I add my cardio calories, it gives me more daily calories. I am not understanding. Any help?

    Me either! I hate it that my friends stop drinking soda & lose 5 pounds practically overnight & it takes me 2 month to lose it working my @$$ off!
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    A few months ago I started eating my exercise calories back bc I never did I felt miserable at the end of the day bc I was starved! Plus I wasn't losing any weight and noticed I was looking plumper in areas instead of thinner! I have lost a little of that but, was netting just under 1300 calories and was still hungry and had hit a plateau with the losing part! So recently I upped my calories to 1500 and usually get real close to my goal. I have gained!!! 2 or 3 pounds since I did that!! It's so frustrating trying to figure out what is the best solution to get that last few pounds off and be content with the scale!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    A few months ago I started eating my exercise calories back bc I never did I felt miserable at the end of the day bc I was starved! Plus I wasn't losing any weight and noticed I was looking plumper in areas instead of thinner! I have lost a little of that but, was netting just under 1300 calories and was still hungry and had hit a plateau with the losing part! So recently I upped my calories to 1500 and usually get real close to my goal. I have gained!!! 2 or 3 pounds since I did that!! It's so frustrating trying to figure out what is the best solution to get that last few pounds off and be content with the scale!

    That juggle in the middle..., It's very frustrating! They say running “shreds” the weight. Not in my case. I got killer calves though…,lol.
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