Seeking a Workout buddy in Boynton Beach FL

Hi I recently joined 24/7 Fitness in Boynton Beach and I Just know if I have a workout buddy to go with I will be able to challenge myself more to go everyday. I need to be motivated and accountable!! If you live in this area and you are interested let me know!! I want to lose about 10-15 lbs.


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    WOW i would love to help but i live in little old england! or i could just come over there and live there with you for 6 months lol :laugh:
  • flgrl001
    flgrl001 Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you on your weight loss. I heard on the news there are a lot of riots and looting going on now in London.
  • jonjon143
    Hey, did you find a nearby buddy? If you're still looking, check out The site uses your zip code to connect you with people near you who share your interests. You should be able to find a local buddy there.