loving the buzz of taking control

im 28 n i have been on this ride since i was 16

by the age of 17 n half i went up to 18 st

within a 2 yr space i was down to 12

then i left my bf of 4 yrs
within 6mths i was 9 st

then i had my first child ella my weight did the whole up down thing n within a yr n half i was bk at 9 st last yr i had isabell two mths early she was tinny at 3lbs 5oz now over a yr later im 13 st i need to stop fussing n start pushing myself again

i want to be bk in a size 12 - 14 to at least feel like i have done something

challang on

p.s i still breast feeding so im not on a diet as such
im just getting bk in shap by doing active things ( walking and aerobics )


n if you fancy a chin wag add me xxx

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