What time of day do you do your workout?

Do you get up early and workout and shower before work? Do you work out on your lunch break and go back to work sweaty? Do you do it after work but before going home? How about after the kids are in bed? I have just been struggling with when is the best time to work it into my schedule. Help.

6:30 wake up
7 Leave for work
8 Arrive at work
1-2 lunch break
5:30 leave work
6:30 arrive home, make supper, eat with family
7-8 Only time I really get to see my daughter
8 Daughter in bed, time to wash dishes, load of laundry, pick up clutter, spend time with husband
10 Go to bed

I'm not sure when would be the best time to work out. I would like to work out before my regularly scheduled shower, only I just sneak them in when I get a chance. Sometimes it is in the morning, sometimes before bed. But before bed then that means I also need another 10 minutes to dry my hair before bed because I hate sleeping with wet hair. I am sure there is room in there for a 30 minute workout, 10 shower, 10 minute dry (if at night)...so almost a whole hour there. But where do I get that hour? I could wake up earlier or go to bed later but I have found that I function best on 8 hours of sleep.


  • routerguy666
    5:30 workout
    6:30 shower

  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I usually work out between 4-6pm ... but that's what time works for me. Maybe ask your husband to pitch in with chores after your daughter's asleep so that you can get in a 45minute work out?
  • dlangenfeld
    Walk at lunch hour?
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    Funny - - I have the same schedule and the same problem... My solution is to turn my family time into family exercise time since we all need to be exercising. If you can't do that, then i would go with the early am solution - - that leaves you time for your family and time to relax with your hubby before the end of the day. :-)
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Walk at lunch hour?

    I do go for a walk on my lunch hour fairly often but my husband tells me that walking does not count because it does not make me tired so he keeps saying I need to also do a "real" work out
  • klenta
    klenta Posts: 6 Member
    Walking still counts. Otherwise all you're doing is sitting. It's just slower going.

    If your daughter is still young, you could trick her into exercising with you. If she's still in a stroller, then go for a walk with her in the stroller. If she's walking, go for a walk outside together.

    It also seems like you're doing most of the household chores after work. Perhaps make an agreement with cooking/cleaning dishes with your husband. If you're cook, make him do the dishes. If you both can cook, alternate days that you two cook.

    Also don't forget weekends. Do shorter exercises during the week and a longer exercises on the weekend.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Walking still counts. Otherwise all you're doing is sitting. It's just slower going.

    If your daughter is still young, you could trick her into exercising with you. If she's still in a stroller, then go for a walk with her in the stroller. If she's walking, go for a walk outside together.

    It also seems like you're doing most of the household chores after work. Perhaps make an agreement with cooking/cleaning dishes with your husband. If you're cook, make him do the dishes. If you both can cook, alternate days that you two cook.

    Also don't forget weekends. Do shorter exercises during the week and a longer exercises on the weekend.

    She is walking, but she is 2, so it is slow. So I do put her in the stroller sometimes and go for a walk with her.

    As for sharing the cooking and chores...I have tried that route and he is rarely willing. Warning: Vent- Even when he is home all day, as soon as I walk in the house he says "whats for supper?". If he does a load of laundry, he follows it with "I did some laundry since you were just leaving it set there forever." or similar. He grew up watching his mom work AND do everything for her husband and children, so I think that is what he expects out of me. I told him before we got married and many times after that I am not going to be exactly like his mother, and he says "That is good. She allowed herself to be a slave to my dad and I don't respect that." but he sure likes to point out when I am not doing it. /end vent
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    Maybe your need quicker workouts! Jump-roping, however childish it seems, is a very quick and effective workout. :)
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    I used to get up at 4:00 AM so I could get it in before work. It sucked for me though lol I was always sooo tired at night. guess thats the way it should be. lol Now I use my 30 min luch break to run on the treadmill and I wait until the kids go to bed at 8:30 and start my workout. I like it much better! The suggestion about having your daughter workout with you is good as well, my kids love doing that and showing me their muscles! LOL
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I work out at 5:30 right after work. I do a boot camp that's right in my building at work 2 days a week, and 2 days a week I go to the gym for Olympic weightlifting or CrossFit class. (I need a class. I can't workout on my own.)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I go to the gym or go running at lunch time. I have a shower at work and also, pretty much everyone is training for a tri or this race or that montain hicking so I do not stand out.

    As for the husband, give him a to do list. Men need to have clear instructions LOL. I would never accept to be treated that way.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Walk at lunch hour?

    I do go for a walk on my lunch hour fairly often but my husband tells me that walking does not count because it does not make me tired so he keeps saying I need to also do a "real" work out

    You might need a higher intensity but worry about that later on. When you're over 200lbs. walking IS great exercise. I started out walking and it turned into a passion of running once I got lighter. Dr. Oz said recently said on one of his shows that walkers tend to be more slim than non walkers. Not sure where he gets his research from, but I don't think he's wrong. If you do eventually supplement walking with a regular exercise routine, it can be very beneficial.

    Can you maybe do a mommy & me yoga class on saturdays with your daughter? Or any class together at the YMCA? I'm on day 5 today of the 30 day shred, and my boys have been doing it with me every day (5, 4, and 2).
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 209
    I used to have a similar schedule and I would work out at home in the evenings. only I don't have a child. I think in your case I would make my hubby do some chores. I read your vent though, that really sucks. My husband really helps out while I worked so that I could workout and rest a bit in the evenings. Working out in the morning should really help you get through the day with less than 8 hours of sleep. and if you eat something especially healthy for lunch you may not even notice the 30 minutes - hour difference in sleep.
  • jbiancad
    jbiancad Posts: 66 Member
    I workout whenever I have time. Even if its just for 10 minutes at a time
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    Easiest answer is to start getting up at 5:30am. Sux to get used to, but that's where it looks like you schedule has some flexibility. I tend to wake up at 5am to go to the track and jog. Otherwise I workout at work (there's a gym onsite).
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member

    Can you maybe do a mommy & me yoga class on saturdays with your daughter? Or any class together at the YMCA? I'm on day 5 today of the 30 day shred, and my boys have been doing it with me every day (5, 4, and 2).

    I wish there was somewhere close by to do classes, but unfortunately that would mean an hour drive round trip to the nearest town, IF there were classes that I would be able to attend. But I like the idea of getting her to do the workouts with me. Right at this moment she is watching a Jason Derulo music video on the TV and is just jumping around all over the place. I think she would love it.
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    SORRY POSTED TWICE - TRYING TO USE QUOTATIONS. I do the same thing, I work two jobs, however no husband or kids, but I'm still busy, so I just fit it in wherever I can.
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    I workout whenever I have time. Even if its just for 10 minutes at a time

    I do the same thing, I work two jobs, however no husband or kids, but I'm still busy, so I just fit it in wherever I can.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    If you have cable tv, there are On Demand workouts you can do right in your living room while your daughter is playing, eating, etc.
  • hollans1
    I think it very much depends on what works for you - I figure that as long as you are doing the exercise, it doesn't matter what time of day you are doing it. I would love to be the person who can get up an hour earlier in the morning, go for a run, shower and go to work without the thought of having to exercise later in the day hanging over me. The morning option is great, I think, because exercise first thing helps you to feel good for the day and increases your metabolism to burn the foods you eat more quickly.

    Unfortunately I am not a morning person. By recognising this, I may miss out on the benefits of not exercising first thing, but at least I do it, even if it is in the afternoon (weekends) and evening (weekdays). If I aimed to do it in the morning, I wouldn't do it at all.

    Good luck!