Cannot be motivated to loseweight? need help!?

Amandamccl Posts: 380
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I seen this on yahoo answers and I wanted to see the answers because I fell like this

i absolutely LOVE to workout but i eat
so much unhealthy food. even as
we speak i am stuffing my face with
a packet of chips to myself.
sometimes i have good periods for
about 2 weeks of eating healthy,
but then an occasion like a party
will come up, and ill indulge then
be unhealthy again
how can i lose weight? ive tried not
eating but i love food too much. ive
tried excerising but im not
motivated. help pleasee?!


  • allehp
    allehp Posts: 96
    I hate to say this but you'll never lose weight until you change your thinking. You have to really, really want it, and have to be ready to make changes in your lifestyle. Your mentality is literally 75% of the battle, diet and exercise being the other 25%. You have to be determined, and be ready to make it happen. But you can do it!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    This is my opinion, although its a good question and I look forward to reading the other replies.

    The only person who can control your mind is you .... sadly or happily depending on the situation!

    That means the motivation is not going to come from anywhere else. You have to manufacture it for yourself.
    I am a busy person and forget to watch my own health sometimes (equally bad!) but when I am trying, I look for things to work towards so that I create my own rewards and motivation.

    I work best off fear motivation - so I won't buy any new clothes at the moment and feel a bit embarrased at the old ones I go to work in right now

    I have been looking at other people's profiles and some people are motivated by much more positive things, like a wedding.
    Or ... if there is nothing big, I have noticed that some people build in little rewards for themselves when they get to certain weights - such as a new dress or a handbag.

    I am sure something will trigger you to get going, but it is my opinion that you will have to search for it, it won't come to you.

    Good luck!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    You've got to do it for yourself. Nothing we can say can change that. I'm a firm believer that MOST obese people have the knowledge of an RD but with out putting those skills to's well, useless. You have to be the example you wish to be. I'm a binger (like most people are) and I finally had enough this past spring and told myself I'm worth more than high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes.
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    Maybe try to turn your thinking around. Instead of thinking you are on a 'diet', realize that you on a journey to a healthier lifestyle. It's your choice - you know you could continue eating packets of chips, etc but that's the easy way out. I know for me eating the old foods I crave is my comfort zone but I'm making a choice to 'think out of the box' and am changing things around. Embrace the change and explore your horizons - don't take the easy way out. i.e. instead of having a packet of chips perhaps a better choice is popcorn or even better a piece of fruit. Look at it as this being your ME time, it is a life change and learn, learn, learn - soak up everything like it's a sponge. It's worth it - you just have to make the choice to take the journey and enjoy it one step, one choice, one day at a time.
  • Malani2010
    Malani2010 Posts: 245
    I agree sweetie!!! You need to change your way of thinking. You are a strong person and I believe God will give you the strength to do what is right for you. If you want more friends to help you, you can add me.
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    i have the same problem.honestly i don't know if there even is a cure for that,but there are some tips that can come in handy.whenever you feel like eating and you really shouldn't be eating,then you can chew a sugar free gum,get out of the house or do something that would distract your attention from can also try to eat in small portions and chew very slowly.what keeps me motivated for now is this site,it's awesome.
  • Only you have the power to change your own life. If you cannot find inner motivation, you will not succeed. All the advice and support will not help you if you do not have your own will to make your life better. It's a life change not a quick fix for weight loss and always know that food can still be enjoyed and indulged in when you make permanent changes, it's just done differently :flowerforyou:
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    I agree 100% with the previous poster, for years I always said I was going to lose weight, I knew what to do but my mind wasn't ready yet. So until your mind is made over, and you truly feel like enough is enough than you can get the rest of your body to commit.

    For some reason, I was waiting for an aha moment that was gonna kick my butt into overdrive to do it, but it didnt happen like that for me. I just went online signed up for Cardinal Fitness, that weekend I went grocery shopping. I've been doing good since. You'll feel it when your truly ready.

    I hated exercise, loathed it!!! I mean I'm no skinny chick, so exercise was kind of hard, but once you get the "good feeling" going and it last throughout the day you'll be hooked. Promise. I mean I wake up in the morning thinking okay when can I fit in my workout, for me that says alot.
  • Tsuslik1
    Tsuslik1 Posts: 2 Member
    Completely agree with allehp! I didn't go on a diet, I changed my lifestyle. I think it helped me to know it wasn't going to happen overnight. I started small, and once I saw progress I added more to the mix. First it was just skipping dessert, watching my portions, and being cautious of what I was putting into my body. I lost about 15 pounds then I started counting calories. Finally I started to run. I couldn't even run for 3 minutes without dying. Now I am running 3 times a week for 30 minutes straight. I love how I look and feel. It was so worth it and still is. You can still love food, but find healthier food to love. After a while your body will get used to healthy foods and you will not want junk food. It really does make your body feel worse after eating it. Stay focused and you will be proud of what you accomplished.
    SW- June 10' 189 lbs
    Goal 170 reached
    Goal 150 reached
    Now 142 lbs and going for 140
  • bens_mommy
    bens_mommy Posts: 219
    I hate to say this but you'll never lose weight until you change your thinking. You have to really, really want it, and have to be ready to make changes in your lifestyle. Your mentality is literally 75% of the battle, diet and exercise being the other 25%. You have to be determined, and be ready to make it happen. But you can do it!

  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm hearing that eating food you like is something that happens when you aren't working on weight loss. You can eat to lose and eat the food you like, but you have to want to get control. I also have to say that eating healthy food tastes good. I don't want to settle for junk when I could have healthy instead.

    But it sounds like you're having binge sessions and you may need to figure out what issues are triggering the self-destructive behavior and address that first. In Confessions of a reformed dieter, A. J. Rochester talks about dealing with a lot of trauma that lead her to be obese and it can give you ideas about how to re-think those stresses that send you off the wagon. :)
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