New to MFP and question on exercise

Hi everyone....thought I'd drop in and intro myself. I'm Heidi and I live in the Midlands of the UK. I am a single Mum and have a 10 year old daughter.

I do have a question on the exercise bit. Does housework count and if so, what section would that come under - strength or cardio?

Thanks so much!

Heidi x


  • forthespace
    I would only log it if it actually increases your heart rate!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,138 Member
    Depends. If you have your goals set to "Sedentary" you may want to log a hundred or so cals for STRENUOUS house cleaning. I condsider it to be part of my daily life, and even though I am set to "sedentary" I do not count regular daily activity like house cleaning or making beds or showering or walking in the store.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    in the exercise section when you type in "housework" it gives you options of how strenuous. I know when I scrub my shower it takes a fair amount of energy and time, so I usually record that.
  • tizzyliz88
    My lifestyle is set to sedentary, because I don't have the greatest mobility due to a broken back almost 20 years ago, although I do try to get my heart rate up doing strenuous housework. I mean, today, I wrestled for a good 20 minutes, working up a good sweat, getting my super king duvet into its cover!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    in the exercise section when you type in "housework" it gives you options of how strenuous. I know when I scrub my shower it takes a fair amount of energy and time, so I usually record that.

    oops, I meant type in "cleaning"
  • tizzyliz88
    AHA! I never thought of putting 'cleaning' in the box. I was putting in 'housework'! Thanks Zumba Q! xx