PCOSer's losing weight??


I am trying to get my PCOS in check (as well as my weight!) and the best way to do this is through diet and excercise. Just wondering if anyone else is battling PCOS here so we can have a support system?


  • Myself as well as other ladies on my friends list are battling PCOS. Feel free to add me! I try my hardest to interact with each and every lady on my page!
  • TankiBabi
    TankiBabi Posts: 40 Member
    Hello i have been fighting pcos for a while now and would love to have a good support group so please add me.
  • amygibson82
    amygibson82 Posts: 28 Member
    I have PCOS as well and like you I am trying to get my health in check. Feel free to add me as well!
  • Like all the other wonderful ladies have said before me,

    Also battling with PCOS and would love some support!
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS last year (at 16 years old). You can add me if you'd like. It definitely makes us harder to lose weight, but it's been easier for me since I've gone on LoEstrin (birth control)
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS last year (at 16 years old). You can add me if you'd like. It definitely makes us harder to lose weight, but it's been easier for me since I've gone on LoEstrin (birth control)
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    Me too. There are a few threads on it if you do a search. I've been doing well here - part of me is thinking I might have used my PCOS as an excuse as to WHY I couldn't lose weight. Since starting here, I've had no problem losing so far...
  • Thanks so much for the responses! I will add everyone tomorrow when I'm not about to fall asleep :) I'm so excited to have such amazing support! Night :)
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS last year (at 16 years old). You can add me if you'd like. It definitely makes us harder to lose weight, but it's been easier for me since I've gone on LoEstrin (birth control)

    I was diagnosed in my teens as well! I just went on LoEstrin 24 FE 2 weeks ago. I hope it goes well for me. How are you doing with it?
  • Lisamariemlt
    Lisamariemlt Posts: 101 Member
    long time ago diagnosed
    lost lots of weight
    things changed
    gained lots of weight
    and back to losing the weight

    sound familiar????

    this time I am gonna do this for me
    it's a struggle
    we were told we would never have children we have one
    and she's my reason for changing habits
    add me if you want
    thanks to whoever said there are posts I'm gonna search too
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    I also have PCOS.. all welcome to friend me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • It does sound familiar!

    I tried to do the metformin last month but it wrecked my stomach so that's when I decided I needed to focus on my daily food intake and exercise. I have an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist in 2 weeks to see if he has any more ideas. I have one little boy too. We want to wait a little longer to have number 2 so we are just trying to preserve what fertility we can!

    Oh and I apparently maxed out my ability to add friends in 10 minutes, lol. Feel free to add me!!
  • LetGoLaughin12
    LetGoLaughin12 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm right there with all of you ladies. I was diagnosed a few years ago, but decided to take control! Feel free to add me! Theres a lot of great information on here!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Me too. There are a few threads on it if you do a search. I've been doing well here - part of me is thinking I might have used my PCOS as an excuse as to WHY I couldn't lose weight. Since starting here, I've had no problem losing so far...

    I was diagnosed about 3 yrs ago and thought that taking metformin was just going to "fix" the problem, since the docs finally figured out what the "problem" was. I definitely know I have been using it as more of an excuse than it is. Yes, it has made losing weight harder and gaining it infinitely easier, but I wasn't really doing anything to stop it.

    Good luck, ladies...we CAN and WILL make it happen for ourselves.
  • EvilDave14
    EvilDave14 Posts: 111 Member

    I was diagnosed last year. Feel free to add me.
