My boyfriend is a picky eater!!! Need help tricking him!

jrcaprow Posts: 1
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone!

I am trying to eat better and lose weight. My boyfriend who I live with is the skinnest thing but eats very unhealthy. It is hard for me to eat healthy when all he wants for dinners are steak/potatoes, mac and cheese, pizza, etc.

I need help!

I want to start making him healthier meals whithout his knowledge. So I am looking for recipes that are healthy and tasty!! Meals like chicken, mac and cheese, pizza, tacos, etc.

Thank you for helping pull a great trick on my boyfriend because in the end I am doing this so we can live a long healthy life together!


  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    a great one i use on my boyfriend. is taking carrots and other Veggies and Boiling them until they are very well cooked and then drain off a bit of liquid but not all of it. Bout half. Then Put it all in the blender. It's Great in Meat sauces, and chocolate muffins and if you use light colored veggies like califlower or celery you Can put it in your pizza dough!
  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    Make your own pizzas:

    For 4 individual pizzas:
    *2 c flour
    *2 tsp baking powder
    *1 tsp salt
    *2/3ish c water
    *oil to coat dough so tomatoes won’t soak through (about 1 tsp per pizza)
    *1 can petite diced tomatoes, drained and seasoned
    *mozzarella cheese and toppings
    Mix ingredients in a bowl and knead until doughy. Add a little water if crumbly.Separate into 4 sections and spread into pizza shapes on a cookie sheet. Pinch the sides up a little so the tomatoes don’t leak.Use the back of a spoon to spread oil on the pizza dough.Add tomatoes and toppings.

    Bake @ 425 for 20 minutes.

    Crust: 239 cals.
    1/8 c tomatoes: 8 cals.
    1/8 c shredded mozzarella: 40 cals.
    4 slices turkey pepperoni: 16 cals.
    Grand total:
    303 calories
    47 carbs
    9 fat
    12 protein
    1 sugar
    1 fiber
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    a great one i use on my boyfriend. is taking carrots and other Veggies and Boiling them until they are very well cooked and then drain off a bit of liquid but not all of it. Bout half. Then Put it all in the blender. It's Great in Meat sauces, and chocolate muffins and if you use light colored veggies like califlower or celery you Can put it in your pizza dough!
    I wish I could give you a +1 for that. So clever!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    As a picky eater, PLEASE do not try and "Trick him" into something. Picky eaters can't help being picky - it isn't a choice we make.. it is simply how we are. Yes, you can make new dishes and ask him to please try them - but don't expect miracles and don't berate him when he doesn't like them. It isn't a personal slight against YOU. We can't help that we don't like many foods that others DO like.

    I used to HATE when people would try and hide certain foods in other foods to get me to eat them. It honestly made me not trust what they made because I never knew what they were REALLY putting in it. I really dislike seeing people say "here's a good way to trick someone!"

    Would YOU want someone to blend up foods YOU don't like and try and pass them off as something else?

    I doubt it. Don't do it to us just cause we don't like the foods you like. I think it's just kinda rude to try and convince us to eat stuff we know we don't like.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    As a picky eater, PLEASE do not try and "Trick him" into something. Picky eaters can't help being picky - it isn't a choice we make.. it is simply how we are. Yes, you can make new dishes and ask him to please try them - but don't expect miracles and don't berate him when he doesn't like them. It isn't a personal slight against YOU. We can't help that we don't like many foods that others DO like.

    This. And plus... just because you are making a change doesn't mean that you should make him. Seems unfair
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    As a picky eater, PLEASE do not try and "Trick him" into something. Picky eaters can't help being picky - it isn't a choice we make.. it is simply how we are. Yes, you can make new dishes and ask him to please try them - but don't expect miracles and don't berate him when he doesn't like them. It isn't a personal slight against YOU. We can't help that we don't like many foods that others DO like.

    I used to HATE when people would try and hide certain foods in other foods to get me to eat them. It honestly made me not trust what they made because I never knew what they were REALLY putting in it. I really dislike seeing people say "here's a good way to trick someone!"

    Would YOU want someone to blend up foods YOU don't like and try and pass them off as something else?

    I doubt it. Don't do it to us just cause we don't like the foods you like. I think it's just kinda rude to try and convince us to eat stuff we know we don't like.

    I agree. If you sit down and talk to him about trying healthier versions of what he eats instead of trying to trick him, perhaps he might get on board with you.

    Trickery almost always ends in some sort of unhappiness....

    Good luck to you.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member

    Trickery almost always ends in some sort of unhappiness....

    Good luck to you.

    Yes, it does. Especially when we figure out you've been trying to do it to us. My real dad used to do it ALL the time to me as did my ex-boyfriend. We aren't doing it to make your life harder or to get attention. We do it because.. well, it is who we are. Just like some people have brown hair and others have blonde. It is part of what makes us .. us.
  • Hi! When my hubby and I were just dating, it was really weird to try and eat healthier because he can eat (well, back then he could) whatever he wanted and not gain a flippin pound but me, if I even took a bite of pizza, I would gain 5 pounds.

    You probably wouldn't be able to trick him anyway. Just be firm on what you personally will and will not eat.

    It won't always be easy. My hubby (boyfriend at the time) used to get the munchies at night so he would go across the street to the mini mart and pick up all sorts of chocolate or ice cream or something and eat in front of me. It was awful!
    One time he even asked me to go. I went for him but when I got back I told him that it was the last time.

    I was trying to lose weight and he was more than welcome to eat whatever he wanted but don't try to push it on me or flaunt it in front of me. I needed support, not taunting.

    It's not always easy but you just need to be firm. Stick to your guns. It sucks but if you have to, you can make two separate meals. Just try to make smaller portions that normal.

    good luck! :)<3
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    My boyfriend knows it's in the food. Same with everyone else. My Boyfriend may not like the taste of it by itself but when its blended in something with Extreme Flavor, Can't even taste it.
    When it's mixed into Pizza, You're blending it so it's basically at liquid and the flavor of the sauce, the cheese and meats make it seem like its supposed to be there, My neice hates califlower yet loves the gluten free pizza i make for her that the main ingredient is califlower.
    It's Like Kraft dinner they Sell there "smart" KD which has califlower in it
    I serve Beet Chocolate muffins and they are the most moist chocolately muffins and you can't taste or even tell the beets are in there but they have the healthy benefits of the beets.
    And Most "picky" eaters are eating the foods they don't like without even knowing it, like in restaurants
    Amazing foods are made of blended ingredients. My Sister hates Onions but she loves the lasagna that we serve at my workplace.It has over 20 onions in the recipe. The Stupid mix they serve with tacos and people who claim to hate fish and meat eat Ceaser Salad which mains ingredient is sardines!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    My boyfriend knows it's in the food. Same with everyone else. My Boyfriend may not like the taste of it by itself but when its blended in something with Extreme Flavor, Can't even taste it.
    When it's mixed into Pizza, You're blending it so it's basically at liquid and the flavor of the sauce, the cheese and meats make it seem like its supposed to be there, My neice hates califlower yet loves the gluten free pizza i make for her that the main ingredient is califlower.
    It's Like Kraft dinner they Sell there "smart" KD which has califlower in it
    I serve Beet Chocolate muffins and they are the most moist chocolately muffins and you can't taste or even tell the beets are in there but they have the healthy benefits of the beets.
    And Most "picky" eaters are eating the foods they don't like without even knowing it, like in restaurants
    Amazing foods are made of blended ingredients. My Sister hates Onions but she loves the lasagna that we serve at my workplace.It has over 20 onions in the recipe. The Stupid mix they serve with tacos and people who claim to hate fish and meat eat Ceaser Salad which mains ingredient is sardines!

    I don't eat at restaurants as I prefer to eat from my own kitchen. On the rare occasion I DO eat out - I can assure you I'm not eating something I dislike because I'm very particular about what I order and tend to ask a lot of questions before I'll order something.

    I truly think there are different levels of picky eaters - I can pick the taste of something I don't like out of something - no matter how liquified, pureed, etc it is. I can taste it. A friend at work made this dish and didn't mention it had spinach ground up in it - do you know after the first bite I took I KNEW it was there. She asked me how on earth I knew as it wasn't visible. I could taste it. I HATE spinach.

    I think the ability to know it is there comes from my bio dad playing the "hide something she doesn't like in something she does" game and then seeing if I could detect it or not (I always did... so why he continued with that game, I'll NEVER know).

    My daughter HATES onions with a passion and can taste them in the first bite of anything they may be in - even if she never sees them. I think if you have an intense dislike of something - you just know it is there.
  • Fitnerd
    Fitnerd Posts: 16 Member
    Yea - don't trick the poor guy - we don't like to be duped! -

    Educate him - communicate - it usually works!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    my boyfriend has very basic tastes too. Steak and potatoes, pizza, burgers, chilli etc
    He really doesnt enjoy it if i make anything unusual unfortunately, its quite disheartening.

    tbh, i just generally make stuff he enjoys for most of the evening meals, but watch my portions. We dont eat the same for breakfast or lunch, so 2/3rds of my food is under my control.

    Saying that i dont believe that any of those foods are inherently unhealthy, it just depends on the way you make them. A home made burger in a good quality bun with salad is a good source of carbs and high protein etc. Doesnt do me any harm as a runner. It might in theory be the same meal as a mcdonalds, but nutritionally its not. same with pizza etc. It doesnt have to mean a huge dominoes.

    Sometimes i just make what i want to make though and hes entitled to leave it and make himself a sandwich if he wants, but most of the time he just eats it anyway, just doesnt enjoy it as much, but tough. I dont enjoy eating the boring stuff every night either
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I am trying to eat better and lose weight. My boyfriend who I live with is the skinnest thing but eats very unhealthy. It is hard for me to eat healthy when all he wants for dinners are steak/potatoes, mac and cheese, pizza, etc.

    I need help!

    I want to start making him healthier meals whithout his knowledge. So I am looking for recipes that are healthy and tasty!! Meals like chicken, mac and cheese, pizza, tacos, etc.

    Thank you for helping pull a great trick on my boyfriend because in the end I am doing this so we can live a long healthy life together!
    Nothing worse than a someone trying to trick someone into doing something for their benefit. Just ask all the Americans who had to bail out the banks.
    You can't MAKE him like it and tricking him would be worse.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i dont think there are many ways of making macaroni cheese healthy lol
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    Steak can be healthy, just depends on the cut. Maybe try fillet with roasted sweet potatoes or other potatoes that are low GI.

    You may want to tactfully suggest that just because some people remain skinny despite a diet of foods high in saturated fats does not mean those foods are not causing vascular damage.

    Just be creative with the food he does like and every now and then introduce something else to see if he likes it, but give him the choice to try.

    On a side note, my bf is also rail thin and doesn't put on any weight. Our dinner plates look very different. We'll both have some sort of meet (mine is always 3 to 4 oz his is 4+) and I load up on veggies; that's it. He loads up with veggies, coleslaw, baked sweet potato/roast potato/beans, sauces, dressing, etc. Then he would have a big bowl of greek yogurt and fruit for dessert. His plate isn't unhealthy... it's just too much food for me, but perfect for him.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    mmmm fillet steak
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