
cettefille Posts: 27
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I've joined the site about a week ago....

I was 128 lbs 3 years ago. I've gained about 80 lbs in 3 years. I would like to lose 60.

So far I've been doing very well with the food diary and the calories, just not so well in getting myself motivated to do some exercise, with the long hours that I work and just lack of motivation on top of that. Anyway, I've been very unhappy with my body as of late, and I really want to lose 60 lbs now, so that's why I've joined this site, so I can use the tools to help me.

I hope it doesn't take as long to lose the weight as it did for me to gain it.


  • Hi I've joined the site about a week ago....

    I was 128 lbs 3 years ago. I've gained about 80 lbs in 3 years. I would like to lose 60.

    So far I've been doing very well with the food diary and the calories, just not so well in getting myself motivated to do some exercise, with the long hours that I work and just lack of motivation on top of that. Anyway, I've been very unhappy with my body as of late, and I really want to lose 60 lbs now, so that's why I've joined this site, so I can use the tools to help me.

    I hope it doesn't take as long to lose the weight as it did for me to gain it.
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    good luck on your journey. You will find a lot of support here!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi! I've just joined, too. I've had sort of the opposite with the dieting and exercise. I got back into exercising in late August after realizing that I could be in a lot better shape. I started going to the gym really early in the morning and to my surprise, I have really enjoyed it. I finally have some time back just for me, and it is wonderful. I've been feeling better, and I know I'm healthier, but the weight has been slow to move. So, that's why I found myfitnesspal. I think I will really start to see a difference now that I can actually see what I'm putting in and what the exercise is burning off. Good luck and welcome!:smile:

    Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I've found it was a lot more fun putting it on than taking it off!!:laugh: We didn't all gain it overnight and it's not going to just disappear. You've took the first step in coming here.!!! You can do it! Just remember slow & steady wins the race!:flowerforyou:
  • Welcome!

    I know it can be very difficult to get motivated to exercise. It's so much easier when you find something that's fun for you though! There is such a wide array of exercises to do, the trick is finding what you like to do and can fit into your lifestyle. Have you looked at your local library to see if they have exercise videos? Mine has a pretty large selection of them, and I can renew them just like books. It's been a lifesaver. I reccomend Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVDs if you want something easy, low impact, and still effective.

    You can do this! Even if you don't exercise right away and just focus on diet. Just aim for health and the rest will follow. :flowerforyou:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Glad you are here:) This site is the best thing that has come along in my life for a long time! Keep posting and asking questions. Share your experience with others:) I wanted it all to happen at once as well but I realized about 2 weeks into it how much better I felt and that was enough, knowing I was starting to live healthy and that the weight coming off(and inches)was a fringe benefit:) I didn't start exercising until I had the food thing down. That was most important. Then I started walking. One day at a time;)
  • Welcome!

    I know it can be very difficult to get motivated to exercise. It's so much easier when you find something that's fun for you though! There is such a wide array of exercises to do, the trick is finding what you like to do and can fit into your lifestyle. Have you looked at your local library to see if they have exercise videos? Mine has a pretty large selection of them, and I can renew them just like books. It's been a lifesaver. I reccomend Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVDs if you want something easy, low impact, and still effective.

    You can do this! Even if you don't exercise right away and just focus on diet. Just aim for health and the rest will follow. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks everyone for the welcomes...

    And thank you for this suggestion, I will check out at the library if they have anything like this... I have the Wii fit at home, and the other day I decided that until I can get myself "into" working out regularly, I can do 15 minutes a day either at night in the morning, so then that would be over the minimum 90 minutes a week, so I'm figuring out how to do my 15 mins and I'll start in the morning when I get home from work.
  • Glad you are here:) This site is the best thing that has come along in my life for a long time! Keep posting and asking questions. Share your experience with others:) I wanted it all to happen at once as well but I realized about 2 weeks into it how much better I felt and that was enough, knowing I was starting to live healthy and that the weight coming off(and inches)was a fringe benefit:) I didn't start exercising until I had the food thing down. That was most important. Then I started walking. One day at a time;)


    Even just with doing the food and getting my calories right, and not drinking and sodas or iced tea is making me feel better about myself and my weight loss. I know it's going to take time and effort and commitment, but for the first time I actually believe that I can do it! :happy:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member

    It took me about 6 months to loose 40lbs. So welcome and start kicking butt!! :flowerforyou:
  • Well, just wanted to say that I've lost 10 lbs. I was so happy this morning when I weighed myself for my weekly weigh in.... I didn't expect to lose any weight or even to gain a lb because I didn't eat the best foods this week, so you can imagine my joy and surprise to have lost 1 lb. It was so encouraging. I've lost 10 lbs, and that has really just been by counting calories, because I haven't had much success in motivating my fat *kitten* to workout on a regular basis. In fact, I only did a few times in the past month.

    But today, I had this new-found sense of hope and encouragement at that 1 lb loss from last week, because I was being lazy and I didn't feel I was eating as well as I had been on the other weeks... So I'm excited. And this afternoon, I attempted Jillian Michael's cardio-kickboxing... I had to quit after 15 minutes, but I'm going to keep trying and doing some other things too so I can get back in shape and lose some weight.

    Also today, my weight was 199 lbs, so I was happy to be under 200 even though it's only been 10 lbs. But 10 lbs in about a month and only from changing my eating habits is something that I am proud of and something that is very encouraging for me.
  • Great job on the 10lbs--the way Im starting to get motivated is wii games!! lol I love my Wii "Santa" got me for an early Christmas present so I play on it all the time I hear the my fitness coach is awesome so Ill have to try it out!!Good luck with everything
  • Thanks... my son has Wii. I used to do Wii Fit a lot in the summer, but then I had a herniated disc so I couldn't for a while. I'm all healed now and have been for a while, but was hesitant to get back into it... I did it once in the past month.. :S Someone bought me 'my fitness coach'. Can't wait to try it out, it had great reviews on amazon.
  • Hi and welcome. I am new to the board too! What I did to help with my exercise motivation was I advertised for a workout buddy on Craigslist and had a few people reply. I started working out with my exercise buddy, and I can't believe how much that helps keep me accountable. When I tell someone I am going to be there- I don't flake out. It helps keep me motivated, and so far so good. Maybe you could find a workout buddy who fits your personality, goals, and schedule.

    bet of luck to you!
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