
Hello All!

So, today is my first day and I logged about 90% of my intake today. I'd like to make a confession....I THINK IM A CARBOHOLIC!!!


Thanks for your input!


  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Welcome to the club! i think this is the longest ive ever gone without pasta! giving up bread was easy for me because I'm a sourdough FANATIC and apparently they dont have it in new mexico lol...just remember moderation...and make sure when you eat those yummy carbs...they are actually worth it!
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    Don't fall for the "carbs are evil" campaign! Just pick the healthy ones and fit them into your calories. You need to do this in a way you can live with it for life - learn to manage portions and choices. You can do it!