Does this really work

I have been off and on on this site for over 4 months and as expected I can`t seem to lose the weight! I have over 50 pounds to shed. When I give it an honest try the scale still does not budge. My thyroid has been tested so I know it`s not that. I can honestly say this is seriously depression and it really get to me. I have lost weight before (50 pounds) and I gained it ALL back after I had my daughter. SO FRUSTRATING. So my question: how has this site helped you out in losing the weight...


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    This site's helped me out alot. Put into perspective the reason I got so dang fat from the way I was eating before. I followed my daily goals to a T and made sure never to go over them. But it really depends on one's own willpower not to cave and start eating bad again.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    It works. If you open your diary and give details about your exercise we might be able to help. The most difficult part for you though is probably the on and off part. If you're going to work the system you have to work it....daily.
  • dannylives
    dannylives Posts: 611
    You have a food diary at the top of the screen and you can write down everything you eat and know how many calories you're eating. There's a lot of food that the computer already knows, just type it in. Click on the "Help" section at the top of the screen and read all that stuff, i did.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    It has worked for me!!
  • crystalmichelle82
    it is just one part of several things that must be considered with losing weight and getting in shape. You have to keep track of what you eat and follow the guidelines that the website gives you but you must be eating clean and exercising at the same time. Exercising has to be in a certain sequence too so that you can work the appropriate muscles in the appropriate order.
  • CronoCX
    CronoCX Posts: 59 Member
    This site works for me great. It really has changed the way I eat and a huge life style change. Try to log every single thing u eat and make sure the mode you are on is correct. Sometimes this causes problems when your in the wrong mode.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yes. It helps me analyze and think about what I am eating. It also serves as a concrete example of the impact of exercise along with a healthy eating pattern. You still have to put in the work and eat proper food, recording the food is just a tool.
  • futurekilousky
    Yes it works, but it's not magic. You still have to put in a lot o effort
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Think of this as just one tool in the bag of things you need to do, to loose the weight and keep it off.

    Whether you call it a diet, a new way of eating, a new lifestyle, or whatever; the truth is, you have to eat healthy to be healthy. Working out burns calories, and builds muscle and so on. MFP is a great way to track your food, exercises and get motivation. I know there are several threads and group challenges that can help you find the right foods and workout programs, but it's up to you to use all the tools available to loose the wight and be healthy.

    I have lost 39 pounds since I started working out, eating better and using MFP to track my progress and gain support from others. So, yes, I do think it works as it's intended to, for support, knowledge and motivation.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Yes it helps me see what i am eating and the friends i have help keep me motivated but it is all on me. Eat less bad foods and move more.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I have been off and on on this site for over 4 months and as expected I can`t seem to lose the weight! I have over 50 pounds to shed. When I give it an honest try the scale still does not budge. My thyroid has been tested so I know it`s not that. I can honestly say this is seriously depression and it really get to me. I have lost weight before (50 pounds) and I gained it ALL back after I had my daughter. SO FRUSTRATING. So my question: how has this site helped you out in losing the weight...
    Tough love here. ON and OFF means you're not consistent. An "honest" try means you're testing and not committed. You are basing off past results and using that same plan to lose the same weight, but don't realize your body is much different now.
    The site can help you lose weight if you use the tools and COMMIT yourself to really doing it.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    [/quote]Tough love here. ON and OFF means you're not consistent. An "honest" try means you're testing and not committed. You are basing off past results and using that same plan to lose the same weight, but don't realize your body is much different now.
    The site can help you lose weight if you use the tools and COMMIT yourself to really doing it.

    What they said ^^^^^

    This site is full of wonderful, supportive people but not one single one of them can make the choices for YOU. They give advice, comment when asked to, and share their own experiences but you choose what and how much to put in your mouth and how much exercise you complete. You've got to get to the point where you KNOW this is the right choice for you in your weight loss journey. This is not's extremely hard and even with 100% commitment there are still ups and downs and bumps in the road for all of us. I hope you'll choose to make the commitment and give this plan a true fair chance to work for you. Feel free to friend me, if you'd like to chat sometime. :smile:
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    Consistency is the key.Losing weight is a lifestyle not a fad.You have to look at your diet,exercise,attitude the whole 9 yards.Its hard work and it hurts.Ive been here 2 odd months but previous to that I lost 15 plus kgs, since being here Im finding the daily log ins and taking responsibility for what I eat has helped immensely.The last few kilos I have lost are thanks to mfp.

    If you want to lose weight you have to be strong,saying I tried when in your heart you didn't give 100 percent that is what got you where you are.Did for me,constant excuses for my weight,feeling sorry for myself,tears well all that got me was big.You have to truly want to be healthy,you will get support here but you must commit.

    Harsh but the reality is,this must come from you,support from those who have lost weight will help but look within yourself,look at why you are at the point.You have obviously looked into weight loss as you found mfp so that is a starting off point:)Baby steps but the bottom line is you must be honest with yourself.

    Oh and an honest try isnt a week,2 weeks or even a month.It takes time to lose weight,to get healthy.Patience is a key factor in this battle.2 years here and counting,others leave me in their dust:)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I have been off and on on this site for over 4 months and as expected I can`t seem to lose the weight! I have over 50 pounds to shed. When I give it an honest try the scale still does not budge. My thyroid has been tested so I know it`s not that. I can honestly say this is seriously depression and it really get to me. I have lost weight before (50 pounds) and I gained it ALL back after I had my daughter. SO FRUSTRATING. So my question: how has this site helped you out in losing the weight...

    I believe that the problem is more than just the "off and on" part, it is the "as expected" part. You have to believe that you can do this and commit to it. I have dieted off and on for years but I had not ever lost weight consistently until I decided that this was not a diet but a lifetime commitment to being healthy. I decided that whether or not I lost on the scale was less important than lowering my chance of getting heart disease and diabetes. So I exercise daily (at least 30 minutes) and I eat as healthy as I can watching my carb intake at each meal. I am not eating a low carb diet, just not eating all carbs and no protein like I was before. I feel like moving more because I start the day moving more. Like that commercial says, a body in motion stays in motion a body at rest tends to stay at rest. I have lost weight pretty consistently since I started here and it comes off slower than I would like but I know that in the long run that is best. Maybe you should try setting small NON scale goals, like meet calorie goal for 2 weeks straight or exercise for __ time ___days a week for a month. Don't see your set backs as failures but just bumps in the road along your way.

    Good luck to you and add me as a friend if you want some encouragement along the way. We have about the same amount of weight to lose.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    You wrote, " expected I can`t seem to lose the weight". So ... you didn't expect anything to change? Seems like a pretty big issue there.

    What's worked for me is getting my head around the whole idea and then jumping in with both feet. I did a whole lot of talking to myself (usually not out loud :) about what this was going to take. When I got to the point where I understood this isn't a diet, but a new way of life, I knew I was ready. It's been almost six months for me, and I'm well on my way.

    It didn't happen overnight, but in the last six month, virtually everything I think about food has changed -- and for the better. From what I buy (no more processed foods in boxes or cans) to how I cook (in nonstick pans with virtually NO salt or butter added to anything) ... from how much I eat (WAY less than what I used to) to how much water I drink (usually 15-20 8 oz. glasses a day) ... from where I choose to eat to what I order when I get there (I always to try to find nutrition info online ahead of time if I can; if not, I look over the menu and plan ahead) ... every single thing has changed.

    I encourage you to work hard to think differently about this whole thing before you give it another go. The others are right: if YOU'RE not ready, nothing and no one can help you. When you're really ready, MFP can help you along the journey, and you'll find all sorts of folks here that will support you along the way.

    At the end of the day, MFP is a tool -- just like a hammer or a wrench. Use it well, and it can help you accomplish a lot. Use it badly, and you'll get nowhere. I'm not gonna wish you good luck, simply because luck (and wishing and hoping) won't get you anywhere, right? The only thing that will is DOING (and in some cases, NOT doing.) :)

    Forward we go!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Yes it works, but it's not magic. You still have to put in a lot of effort

    Yep. So doing something "off and on" probably won't yield the best results.
  • Gennie_Alvarez
    Gennie_Alvarez Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you everyone. You guys are right. I have to commit and change my attitude towards my weigh loss and use this a tool. I appreciate all your comments.
  • Gennie_Alvarez
    Gennie_Alvarez Posts: 5 Member
    (Webdiva1) -Wow. I never thought of that. You are ABSOLUTELY right. I have to change my view towards my weight loss and EXPECT changes. I forget that weight loss is very tied to how I view myself and the effort that I deserve. Thank you again.