Back again :)

Hi all,

Just thought Id post again as I have just started getting back into myfitnesspal again. I used it before on my ipod touch and lost 14lbs, but then my already poor health got worse and other things got in the way (excuses excuses I know).

I got a nice android phone a few weeks ago and was chuffed to see the myfitnesspal app had a barcode scanner. I thought nothing sounded simpler than that, and 99% of the time it does seem to work with no problems. Im back on the wagon again and due my first weigh in since restarting a week ago, so hope I can lose some weight and surpass where I got to before.

Good luck to everyone :)


  • karrenbennett
    Welcome back!
  • laureneva15
    Welcome back!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Good Luck Getting 7there. I love mfp. Lots of support and I use it for measuring food against exercise. Stay the course no more back agains:laugh:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Welcome back! So sorry you've had health issues get in your way during this process! You can add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    :smile: Welcome Back! I had a restart as well and it has been great. Good Luck!
  • Getting7here
    Getting7here Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks very much for the messages :) Hope everyone is doing okay :)