New in Illinois

Good Morning! Im Jess 33yr old from Illinois. Started a phen/reduced calorie program on 6/6 weighing 221lbs, omg I hate typing this... Anyhoo, Ive never been one to diet, Ive always been looking for the "magic bullet" thats gonna melt the lbs. Well @ 33yrs old I have decided im not going to find that, but I have found some "helpers". After extensive research on phen, ( i know its a crutch) I decided to follow the legions of women that corral through Dr Chou's door everyday. Id read all the blogs hearing how phen has helped them so I sucked it up, dropped my 40bucks & took a leap of faith that something was going to help & motivate me. By golly it has, i dunno what happened but it just clicked & i began taking weight loss serious. Id never done that before, I took topamax last yr for migraines & thought "hell ya, im gonna get skinny & be headache free, well after a yr of that, id only lost 20lbs, & the those 20, were the 20 i gained from beta blockers a few months earlier. I got fed up w the topamax & the stall in weight loss, so @ 200mg daily i decided im tired of taking the zombie meds, I still had headaches & the side effects were lame. So i quit taking it cold turkey March of this year. Up untill now i had been really lazy, no exercise what so ever. Lazy lazy lazy... I have a desk job, I sit there & run the office & watch netflix all day, I still do that as of now, but I make sure I get up a few times an hour & do some exercises, lunges, squats, ect. I also do 25 wall push ups everytime I go to the bathroom. I have a wii fit which I LOVE! It doesn't tell me im obese anymore, it says overweight which is ok for right now. A good weight for me per the usgov is 145, I dunno when ive ever been that!! I also try to walk w my neighbor a few times a week, its been hot & humid here these last few weeks, so I have been slacking w that as well. My hsbd is knowledgable in fitness so he is helping me w exercises, he recently introduced me to planks eh those are rough lol. I have walk away the pounds dvd which i love but he wants me to do some strength training. I have 5lb weights, but will be working my way up to using his adjustable dumbbells. We also have an unopened diprack in our garage, today he will be assembling it & putting it in our bedroom, im hoping to bring the rowing machine inside as well. I have the tools, i just don't always use them. I had an ablounge, used it twice & sold it at a garage sale lol.
I take an alli capsule w my dinner, its generally a sensible dinner except for fri, & sat, I generally allow myself whatever i want on those days, well fri evening through sun morning. But i don't go nuts either, yesterday was kinda bad, I had a sundae & walking taco from our local ice cream place. I was mad at myself for chubbing out like that, but im over it now, its a new day. I think i do great w my cals during the week, my dr even suggested that i eat more?? uh ok... But i increased the cals a bit & bam, the weight is coming off. 2 weeks ago I lost .5lbs, i was so angry i had been doing so good. Then when i weighed in on fri i had lost 3.5lbs!! woot woot i was so happy!! Im geeked that im under 200lbs now!! Well thats my story, heres to weight loss success for everyone!! If you want a buddy, im here :) Looking forward to chatting w all of you!


  • Slayer66
    Slayer66 Posts: 265
    Welcome, sounds like you have the right mind set and gear to get it done, and it is odd how having a little of the things I used to pig out on makes me feel guilty too, but I don't dwell on it like I used to either! GL to you =)
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    Hi there! I am in Illinois too! :)