Problem with frozen, packaged meals?



  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I was wondering if anyone has noticed something similar during their calorie monitoring. For years I've been eating the frozen meals for lunches during the week at work (Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, etc, whichever was on sale). Recently I got sick of eating them, so I decided to try making my own lunch just for a change of tastes. I've been making a cold pasta salad with just roasted peppers, a little oil and cheese, and some spinach, and of course whole grain pasta and sometimes a little chicken for protein. It's hard for me to figured out the exact calories, but I'm sure it's more than the little meals used to be. Anyhow, after two weeks of this change, my 6 month plateau finally broke. Has anyone else had a similar experience? It doesn't make sense to me that more but "fresher" calories drops the weight but fewer, "processed" calories don't.

    Are you measuring / weighing ingredients before tossing everything together? I think it shouldn't be too hard to get a good calorie count on your new, better, healthier, tastier lunches. :)
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    The frozen ones just don't feel me up like real food. That's why I stopped eating them. Have you noticed decreases in snacking?

    That's some FRESH food. Really. If my food felt me up, I might just fist it.

    Fist it, or punch it? ;)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    The frozen ones just don't feel me up like real food. That's why I stopped eating them. Have you noticed decreases in snacking?

    That's some FRESH food. Really. If my food felt me up, I might just fist it.

    Dude, you could steal my car, set my house on fire, and rob my 401(k) and I wouldn't delete you from my friends list...CLASSIC!! Fist it? Is this a thawed turkey we are speaking of?
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Very true about the pre-packaged, frozen meals and sodium. However, I do think if you're eating less animal protein and processed foods in general, a frozen meal isn't so bad sometimes. There are some higher quality brands out there. Amy's Kitchen is one of my favorites (, and they have tons of vegetarian and vegan options, and they are so delicious. The brown rice, black-eyed peas, and veggies bowl is probably my favorite ( These frozen meals also always fill me up. The thing about the other ones, like Lean Cuisines, is they are barely real food, and mostly highly processed pastas and meat, which will not fill you up.
  • groovyfirechick
    I will sometimes take frozen meals to work with me (I work nites and eat dinner at 10pm) just because they are more convenient. (i work 1/2 hr-45 min from home) I've actually been losing weight! I totally attribute this to NOT stopping for fast food because I am prepared! I eat more fresh food than frozen but sometimes frozen is just easier!
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    I will sometimes take frozen meals to work with me (I work nites and eat dinner at 10pm) just because they are more convenient. (i work 1/2 hr-45 min from home) I've actually been losing weight! I totally attribute this to NOT stopping for fast food because I am prepared! I eat more fresh food than frozen but sometimes frozen is just easier!
    I agree, I know I know, loaded with sodium, but with them I eat lots of fresh vegs steamed, fresh fruit etc. I am a serious binge person, and the prepared meals give me portion control.. I also fix myself meals from scratch that I can weigh out, like chicken breast, fish, etc. But if I am hungry or in a hurry, I can grab something out of the freezer. There are tons of options, like someone said, Amy's, and low carb, and some are definitely better than others taste wise. But they are easy
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2015
    Living on a budget, frozen works. Especially if you do not cook or know how or it is for one person...

    Buying frozen sometimes is the only choice... I am glad I have a crockpot and the MFP RECIPE tool.

  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    I ate those occasionally during my weight loss phase and I didn't have any problems with them? I actually still buy them once in a while even though I'm in maintenance now, for busy days when I don't have time to make something. Some of the Lean Cuisines are pretty good tasting, and I've found a few non-diet ones that taste good and are pretty decent on calories yet (Boston Market brand).
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    When I am extremely tired and having what I call a "bad eating day," I eat a Banquet frozen meal. They generally run about 300 calories. Yes, the sodium content is high, but the portion control they represent have taught me a lot about eating less than I used to eat. I've lost over 60 pounds eating these meals, as well as by learning to make my own meals that have smaller portions and lower calorie and sodium levels.