I can't believe I let it get this far.....

I'm doing good on cutting back on my intake. I'm not execerising which is a bad thing I know but with Fibromyalgia it is tough for my muscles. But now that I have lost some weight I find it so depressing of how far I let my self go before I started to shed the pounds. I just have so far to go. I will keep at it. I don't want to gain it back either but that is what I'm afraid I will do eventually...I guess I can't worry about that. I don't call what I'm doing a "diet" just cutting back, eating healthy. It is working for me. ANyone having the same thoughts?

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  • BossSauce69
    I've been there but what I don't worry about it. Use those thoughts to motivate yourself at the gym and to motivate you to stay at your goal when you reach it.
  • sarah829522
    I did, in the beginning. If you just keep going, it gets better. It took me months to undo what 10 years of my sedentary lifestyle and eating whatever the heck I wanted had done to my self esteem. I used to be an athlete for goodness sake, I kept telling myself and I would get really discouraged that the weight was very slow to come off. I just kept going. That's what you have to do to win at weightloss and healthy living...just keep going. And try to turn the negative thoughts into positive ones.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I think everyone has those thoughts now and again. The most important thing you can do right now, and it isn't easy, is forgive yourself and keep going. So you went that far, now you're changing and making the effort to get back to healthy, so let yourself do it! Forgive yourself for being a human being! Forgive yourself for your faults! Love yourself and keep taking care of yourself. You are the only one that can do this, no one else can take this step. We are all here to support each other, but if we can't support ourselves we will not succeed.
  • JCPruitt
    JCPruitt Posts: 53
    Keeping in the back of your mind that you will gain it back eventually is actually self defeating. If you have a bad day, or see the scale go up once (even thought it could well be muscle gain or simple water retention), you can always say to yourself, "I knew I would fail."

    Also, DIET is not a bad word. It is a misused word. Diet is nothing more than what we eat and how we eat. My diet is vastly different in needs from my husband's because 1) we are different people and 2) I had a gastric bypass. My nutritional needs are very different from most and people have a hard time understanding that. Your diet is what makes your body healthy.

    You will do fine. Move as much as your body will let you, but don't push too hard. FM will let you do more some days and nothing other days. That is fine. Just do what you can. Remember, just cleaning house is movement.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia too. I really hurt after with exercise but stuck with it anyway no matter how bad it hurt for the last 6 months. Today, I am able to go to Curves 5 days a week, Zumba twice a week, and I started the C25k running program last week. You want to know something, I hardly ever hurt anymore and sleep much better. I am not kept awake by muscle pain.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. Also, from what I understand as one of my friends has Fibro is that it is very painful and you also have little energy. You will get to where you want to be eventually and instead of looking at the whole picture and how much you still have to go. Try setting little goals for yourself. For instance set a goal of losing a certain amount by Halloween or etc. I find those keep me focused more and doesn't get me down about how much I REALLY have to go. Chin up..at least you are making a change and wanting to be healthier. You can do it. :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I said the same thing. I went to the doctor after not feeling right, feeling slow and inactive. When she put me on the scale, I had gained over 20lbs that I didn't even realize I put on. I knew I had been gaining weight, but I didn't realize it had been THAT much. So I asked myself, "what happened? Why did I let this happen?"

    I had a hip injury all fall/winter and finally had the surgery to fix it in April. I had gained 25lbs due to lack of activity and overeating. I was ashamed, since I had been an athlete and in very good shape my whole life. I promised myself that when I was healed and able to move again, I would start running again, eating healthy and going to the gym on a regular basis.

    I work at a fitness center, which really helps. I get a lot of motivation and training and I'm slowly but surely starting to lose the weight. I'm gaining muscle mass back and my overall health is getting better. You just have to keep at it. Keep a journal, use the blogs on MFP. Not just for logging foods and exercise, but to motivate yourself. Make sure to keep up to date with your weight loss check-in and just write in a blog so that you can keep track of your moods and motivation :)

    Keep up the good work!
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    I completely UNDERSTAND!!! The most IMPORTANT part is to keep at it. You are NOT the only one who feels this way. I too have gotten to the point where I can't believe I allowed myself to get this far. I have problems with my joints & knees as well so exercising can be a challenge for me also. I am losing SLOWLY & it does get frustrating. Just keep logging on here & stay in touch with yourself & as long as you try every day it adds up. You can do it!!! JUST DON'T GIVE UP!!! We are all here in the same boat. : )
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    I have FribroMyalgia as well. The best advice is to eat alot of protein and cut back on the carbs. Carbs are a quick fix for the energy, but it creates a never-ending circle. Also, it you can nap, it helps the muscles repair. If it wasn't for prayer and meds, I would never leave the couch!! Just do what you can, when you can do it. I hate when the doctors tell me my back pain is from being fat - I'M FAT BECAUSE OF THE BACK PAIN!!
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    I am having those same thoughts, without the health issues... I know how I let myself go, one bad mistake would turn into more bad mistakes, and then I'd say tomorrow I will do better, only that day didn't come until I was crying looking at a picture my mom just took of me and I saw just how bad I had treated myself.

    In the meantime, just focus on the here and now and just keep at it and don't give up on yourself - you are worth every bit of effort that you are putting in.... If you have a bad day forgive yourself but keep trying to eat/be healthy....Eating right at first isn't easy- it's easy to fall in to old habits, but the one cool thing I discovered after eating healthier for three weeks, is that fried food is no longer my friend- I felt so sick.

    If regular gym/video workouts are too much on you, how about swimming or water aerobics.... I just added swimming to my training, and am shocked to find that I am developing SMALL muscles in my arms- this is after maybe 2 weeks.... Plus, I find myself wanting to go, to see if I can possibly do any better. I also love my bike- it doesn't feel like a workout - it feels like an hour + escape for me. I love the wind whipping through my hair as I'm sailing down the hills... Keep trying new workouts until you find something that you don't hate, and then stick with it, you will find that you love it. Best of luck on your journey!