C25K for Excercise Walkers?

Is there a C25K program modificaton for exercise walkers? Don't want to stress joints with running impact until I lose more weight, but want to increase exercise walking endurance and time. Not finding anything on the C25K website. Are there any exercise walkers out there doing a C25K or C210K program? If so, please share any resources. Thanks!


  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi buddy :)

    I found this ... http://walking.about.com/od/beginners/a/5ktraining.htm

    It outlines 9 weeks of walking training (training for walking a 5k). Check it out, maybe it's something you can use or get ideas from.

    Take care,
    Holly :)
  • Walk4Fit
    Walk4Fit Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Holly! That's a great resource.
    Appreciate the fast reply from one of my MFP friends.

    Good news is I'm already past their first weeks on the schedule, as already walking 30 - 40 min. at a moderate pace (with the dog) most days.

  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    Excellent! That might work out well, you could jump right in at your current "level" :)