A medical/fitness question for the ladies...

For a little while now I've been having bleeding with 'vigorous' exercising on my bike. It's not painful and not like a period but it's obviously quite annoying. I've had examinations, swabs and an ultrasound, all of which were perfectly fine apart from a small ovarian cyst (the type that pretty much everyone has at one point or another). I've got the contraceptive implant and have had it since October 2009, so I assume that, as I don't have periods with my implant, it might just be 'shedding' that I've caused with my exercise but the doctor isn't sure and there isn't any reason to it. Like I can do the exercise, bleed for a few days and then do it again so there's got to be a point where there isn't anything to shed, surely?

Sorry for the ramble and if it's TMI but I was just wondering if any of you have had such issues or any advice or questions I should ask when I go to see my GP at the end of the month? She thinks it's just 'hormones' and because of my lifestyle change but I can't be like this for the rest of my life surely!

Thanks for listening :smile:


  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    it my be your implant, since you are not used to exercise as much and your body is adjusting, i would say wait a little longer and see if its going away or it isnt as heavy, and as long as it doesnt hurt you and since you dont have period that might be it, i wouldnt worry.

    i am on birth control and once i started heavy exercices it became heavier but after some time it came back to normal,

    i am using yasminelle - a polish one from Bayer - and despite what all the americans say, its the best pill ever, no side effects, and i am feeling great, and ive been using it for 3 years now, its also the lower doe .2 instead of .3

    hope it helped a little.

    and keep on your great job!!!
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I would maybe see another doctor. You should get a second opinion just to make sure - no matter how good your doctor is. Also, is it possible you're tearing internally or externally a little bit?
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I've got the contraceptive implant and have had it since October 2009

    I would see if I could get that removed, use condoms /abstinence for a while and see if that clears things up. Personally, I don't trust these kinds of things. you should be having a period, even if it is "inconvenient" at times.

    If all your tests have come back clean, wouldn't it make sense to take the implant out?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    How does your bike seat fit? There shouldn't be any pressure on your vaginal area, just the sit bones of your but. If there is, either tilt the front down or go to a bike shop and get fitted for a seat.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I had an ovarian cyst years ago, and the very thing would happen to me too. Are they planning on removing it? Now I have a cervical polyp, and i have the same thing happen with the bleeding and exercise.
  • Karine001
    From a doctor's point of view: It could be an ectropion. It's depending on your hormones, the mucosa of the cervix can get a little more sensitive, and it could be do to some friction on the cervix while you do heavy exercices. Same happens sometimes after intercourse or forcing to get a bowel movement. It's nothing dangerous, but annoying for sure. It wouldnt be do to your implant, and i wouldnt necessarily take it out because of that. If your GP takes a look with the speculum, sometimes they can see the ectropion I'm talking about. Hope it helps.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    It could be spotting from the implant. Just because it hasn't happened in the past doesn't mean it won't. Think about it, your body hasn't had it's "cleaning" in a couple years. I was on depo and that got rid of my period...but then after a couple doses the spotting started. Hormones are funny things. Like another poster said, even though the drugs are "safe" I don't really trust anything that completely ends something that nature said we need to have happen. Even with the pill or ring, you can control your period, if that's your motivation. Got a special date the week of the off time, just leave the ring in. And go back to normal the next month.... But that's a different discussion. I just want you to realize there are other options.

    Anyway, the seat suggestion was one of my first notions after spotting from the bc. Another opinion might be wise as well.

    I'm more leaning towards the spotting since you've been on this bc for awhile and the bike riding is just making it easier to move outward from the movements.

    Eitherway I hope everything ends up being ok for you! :)
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    They said because it was a small cyst they aren't going to do anything because apparenty they just come and go.

    There is never any pain so I don't think I'm actually damaging anything, but it is bright red blood that would suggest some sort of injury (like if I cut myself, rather than it being period type blood).

    And abstinence/condoms are going to be a no go for me either. I'm going to talk to her about either getting a replacement implant or trying some other form of birth control.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Just another thought, could it be some rubbing from clothing? If it's bright red perhaps it's a friction thing?
  • sgreen608
    As we exercise and lose weight our bodies, including hormones we produce, change. Sounds like your doctor has ran all the appropriate tests and there isn't an underlying problem. Maybe your OB GYN could consider replacing the contraceptive implant or choosing another bc alternative.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I don't think it's clothing, it's definitely an internal issue. I'm thinking probably the impact of my thighs on my still-rather-large belly is just... annoying something.

    And I think going to an OBGYN is going to have to be my next shot. Someone a bit more specialist. My GP told me to keep a diary so I think I'll go back with that and get referred.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I had looked into the implant and voiced the exact same concern to the OB/GYN I consulted as wells as possibly dislodging the implant. The doctor told me that while everywomen is different, that there was a chance that I could/would experience some bleeding/spotting with vigorous exercise (I run almost daily). He also said that the bleeding/spotting could be transient for the first few months, or that it could be a permanent side effect. He reminded me that there is no perfect birth control and that it was individual to each person whether or not he pros outweighed the cons. As long as your implant is still in place, I guess it would depend upon whether or not you felt the bleeding/spotting outweighed the overall benefits. Good luck.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm thinking that as there is going to be a huge link between having never really exercised before and then really giving it some on my bike. I think I'll try and speak to a OBGYN and see how it goes for a little while when my weight is down a bit more and my fitness is better. And I'm going to try and switch up my exercising a bit so I'm doing something a bit different and less belly intense!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I did my heaviest exercise and weight loss when I had the Mirena IUD implant (starting a few months after first getting it) and never had any bleeding issues. No period at all, actually. I don't know that you can blame the implant.

    I would see a gynecologist rather than just a GP. They have a lot more expertise in this area, and are much more familiar with the unusual, whether it's side effects from the implant or something odd going on in your body. And if nothing else, a specialist can give you a more firm reassurance that it's nothing to worry about than a general practitioner.