August Fitness Challege

Hey there everyone,

There is only 25 days left of August which most of us consider the rest of summer. Let's join together to finish this summer strong and make August the best month for results. Over the next 25 days, let's push each other past our normal limits. For some that may mean doing two or three workouts a day to increase calories burned. For others it may mean watching their diet and cutting calories. Who wants to join me in this challenge?

Who ever wants to join me, post your goals and what you did each day. Also post how you are going to reward yourself if you meet your goals. We can do this, after all it's only 25 days.

Add me as a friend if you want to stay motivated.


  • TranceGirl
    TranceGirl Posts: 121 Member
    HI! I love your attitude! I am working out 1.5 hours a day, decreasing calories, eating only at home, and not eating after 7pm. My goal is to lose 6 pounds by sept 1st, I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. Right now Im doing Insanity and Hip Hop Abs, I will be finishing this in one week then moving onto Brazil Butt Lift and Zumba while still incorporating some Insanity workouts :)

    Lets go us!!
  • Cardiomale
    My goals:

    I am going to one Insanity and one Asylum workout each day for the next 25 days. If I miss a workout because of work or something, I will go for a 3+ mile run the following morning.

    Between days 1 - 5: I will complete 100 push ups and 100 pull ups. Equals 20 per day.
    Between days 6 - 10: I will complete 150 push ups and 150 pull ups. Equals 30 per day.
    Between days 11 - 15: I will complete 200 push ups and 200 pull ups. Equals 40 per day.
    Between days 16 - 20: I will complete 250 push ups and 250 pulls ups. Equals 50 per day.
    Between days 21 - 25: I will complete 300 push ups and 300 pull ups. Equals 60 per day.

    As a reward, if I complete this challenge, I will take my kids to Roaring Springs for an all day adventure and to show off my results one last time this summer. lol.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Alright! I am in!

    SW: 211

    Goal 1: 90 minutes of exercise each day, 6 days
    Goal 2: No Alcohol
    Goal 3: Lower Carbs ~ shoot for 100-125

    Thanks for the motivation - Ready, Set, GO~:bigsmile:
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    I'll join too! My plan:

    Stay within my calorie goal and track everything!
    I'm doing TurboFire and some Tracy Anderson Method and also incorporating ChaLEAN Extreme (should be getting CLX this week) working out 6 days per week for at least 1 hour. I want to build some strength for the Warrior Dash next month!

    I want to be down to 164 by Sep 1st (Currently at 171-173 and 5'8")

    I certainly need accountability and someone to notice if I'm not not track so hopefully we can do that! :)
  • Cardiomale
    Day 1: burned 451 calories doing 43 minutes of "Insanity - Plyometric Cardio Circuit" and did 20 pull-ups and push-ups.
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    This morning I did Turbofire 55EZ and HIIT 15. I checked the tracking number and ChaLEAN extreme should be here tommorow! Woohoo.

    I also packed a really good cooler of food for the day! So far I've been very satisfed! It's in my tracker :)

    How is everyone else doing?
  • hotaling73
    ok....i have only been doing this 2 weeks, but I am in............I have a lot of weight to lose and need to stay here are my goals this month.
    cut back on the sugar intake
    NO CHEATING not even on sunday!!
    WK 1-walk/do the stairs 5 days a week, 3 flights/every hour
    WK 2-walk/do the stairs 5 days a week, 3 flights/every half hour
    WK 3-walk/do the stairs 5 days a week, 4 flights/every half hour
    work my way up to 5 flights every half hour
    would be nice to treat myself to new pants for work~~
    Thanks for the challenge!!
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    I'll join! My goals are to cut back on sugar. I am always going over my sugar limit. Not to cheat or snack when I'm bored. I plan on redirecting myself. Every time I head toward the pantry, I'm going to clean something in my house instead. Hopefully my house and I will both benefit!

    As for weight loss, I hope to stay at my 1200 calorie limit, and lose 5lbs by September 1st!

    For working out, plan to continue my running program weather permitting (I don't handle extreme heat well.) For right now I'm doing 3-4 miles on Tuesdays and 6-8 miles on Thursdays.
  • kritty2
    kritty2 Posts: 8
    Started Day 1 of Chalene's Inferno challenge!
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    I'm In!

    Day 1 :
    Rode my bike for 12.4 Miles approximately 2 hrs.
    30 minutes on the treadmill
    500 crunches

    Drinking more and more water everyday!

    My goal is to be down 10+ pounds by September.
  • jessicaleeenns
    I'm in! Just added this app today. Goals are:
    To run my second half marathon sep 24 so I want to run 5 times a week until then
    And I would like to be down 12 lbs by then

    So aug each week shoot for 5 runs
    And be down 6 lbs by sep 1st
    And to get the hang of the calorie counting as this is new to me
  • Cardiomale
    Looks like everyone is doing awesome. August is going to be the best month ever for achieving our goals. If your up for it, take a picture of yourself today and another picture on September 1. Let's see if there is a difference.
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    I'm in! Today I did P90X Shoulders and Back and I ran for 30 minutes. I'm gonna try to commit to this because school's starting in September...

    SW: 160
    Goals: - Lose 5- 8 lbs
    -Run a 5K in under 35 minutes

    Let's do this! :happy:
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I want to give this a shot as well!!!!

    Goal 1: Stay withing my Calorie range!
    Goal 2: No more coffee or soda!!!
    Goal 3: 30min cardio workout mon- fri
    Goal 4: Reach 143 lbs by Sept 1, 2011!!

    I will reward myself for my success by going to Six Flags Magic Mountain with my Husband and friends! (Haven't had a date with my hubby in liek a yr!) LOL!!!
  • LifeChanged1209
    I'm on board!

    Goals: Stay 100+ below my calorie goal (includes workout calories) every day
    Burn 300+ calories every day
    Do 100+ miles on my bicycle over the remaining August weekends
    Begin using my apartment complex's universal weight machine to tone up.
    Complete Level 3 of 30 DS (minus the RockStar Kicks -- they shake the whole house and might bother my downstairs neighbor because I can't land softly. I'm on day 2 of 10)
  • 1bigtabbycat
    1bigtabbycat Posts: 23 Member
    <a href=""><img src="; border="0"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:152px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Nutrition Facts</a> For Foods</small></p>
  • LifeChanged1209
    Today I burned 364 calories with 16 minutes of running (treadmill) and 23 minutes of elliptical. :happy:
    I'm on track to stay well below my calorie goal. :smile:
    I'm working late, so this is all I'm gonna be able to do. :grumble:
  • Cardiomale
    Burned 511 calories doing 66 minutes of "The Asylum - Speed & Agility / Relief" now I'm exhausted but feel great at the same time
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    I just did running intervals for 25 minutes and the 600 Rep Workout from (which was super painful! But I completed it!). It's weirdly nice to be sore all the time :tongue:
    So are we all just going to weigh ourselves every week, or after August ends?
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    I'm in!

    By Sep 1 I would like to be 10 pounds lighter
    I want to meet or be under my calorie goal
    I want to walk for 20 min a day
    I want to do 20 crunches a day increasing by 10 each week
    I will do various exercises on the wii fit for 30 min+ a day
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